
Kotlin function: Reverse a string

Write a Kotlin function that reverses a given string.

Sample Solution:

Kotlin Code:

fun reverseString(input: String): String {
    return input.reversed()

fun main() {
    val str = "Kotlin function."
    println("Original string: $str")
    val reversedStr = reverseString(str)
    println("Reversed string: $reversedStr")

Sample Output:

Original string: Kotlin function.
Reversed string: .noitcnuf niltoK


In the above exercise -

  • The "reverseString()" function takes a String parameter named input, representing the string to reverse.
  • The reversed() function is called on the input string, which returns the string with the characters in reverse order.
  • The reversed string is then returned as the function result.
  • In the main function, a sample string str is defined.
  • The reverseString function is called with the string as an argument, and the result is stored in the 'reversedStr' variable.
  • Finally the reversed string is printed to the console.

Kotlin Editor:

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Next: Check if a string is a palindrome.

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