
Kotlin function: Print asterisk pattern

Write a Kotlin function that prints a pattern of asterisks based on a given size. The size represents the number of rows and columns in the pattern. Use a single-expression function.

Sample Solution:

Kotlin Code:

fun printPattern(size: Int) = repeat(size) { println("*".repeat(size)) }

fun main() {
    val patternSize = 5

Sample Output:



In the above exercise -

  • The "printPattern()" function takes an integer parameter size, representing the number of rows and columns in the pattern.
  • The "repeat()" function repeats the specified block of code size times. In each iteration, the code block is executed.
  • Within the code block, the println function is called to print a string of asterisks. The repeat function is used to repeat the asterisk character size times.
  • The printPattern function is called in the main function with a sample pattern size of 5.
  • Finally the asterisk pattern is printed to the console.

Kotlin Editor:

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Next: Add two numbers with an explicit return type.

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