Kotlin Program: Fibonacci series up to a given number
Write a Kotlin program to print the Fibonacci series up to a given number.
Pre-Knowledge (Before you start!)
- Basic Kotlin Syntax.
- Kotlin Functions.
- Loops in Kotlin.
- Fibonacci Series Concept.
- Variable Initialization.
- Printing Output.
Hints (Try before looking at the solution!)
- Define the Function.
- Initialize Variables.
- Print Initial Numbers.
- Use a While Loop.
- Update Variables.
- Test with Different Limits.
- Common Errors to Avoid:
- Forgetting to update variables.
- Not checking the limit condition.
- Misplacing loop logic.
Sample Solution:
Kotlin Code:
fun main() {
val n = 30
println("Fibonacci series up to $n:")
fun printFibonacciSeries(n: Int) {
var num1 = 0
var num2 = 1
print("$num1, $num2")
while (num2 <= n) {
val nextNum = num1 + num2
if (nextNum<=n)
print(", $nextNum")
num1 = num2
num2 = nextNum
Sample Output:
Fibonacci series up to 30: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
In the above exercise,
- The "n" variable is declared and assigned a specific value, in this case, 20.
- The printFibonacciSeries() function takes "n" as an argument and prints the Fibonacci series up to "n".
- Inside the printFibonacciSeries() function, we initialize two variables num1 and num2 with the first two numbers of the Fibonacci series (0 and 1).
- We print the initial numbers 0 and 1 using the print() function.
- Using a while loop, we generate the next numbers in the series by adding num1 and num2 and store it in nextNum.
- We print nextNum using print().
- We update num1 with the value of num2 and num2 with the value of nextNum to generate the next numbers in the series.
- The loop continues until num2 exceeds "n".
Kotlin Editor:
Previous: Print Pascal's Triangle for a given number of rows.
Next: Calculate the sum of numbers between a given range.
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