Kotlin Program: Check number divisibility by 7
Write a Kotlin program to check if a given number is divisible by 7.
Pre-Knowledge (Before you start!)
- Basic Kotlin Syntax.
- Kotlin Functions.
- Variables in Kotlin.
- Modulo Operator.
- Conditional Statements.
- String Interpolation.
- Printing Output.
Hints (Try before looking at the solution!)
- Define the main() Function.
- Declare a Number Variable.
- Display the Number.
- Check Divisibility.
- Test with Different Numbers.
- Common Errors to Avoid:
- Forgetting the modulo operator.
- Misplacing logic in if-else statements.
- Using assignment instead of comparison.
Sample Solution:
Kotlin Code:
fun main()
val number = 14
//val number = 17
println("Number is $number")
if (number % 7 == 0)
println("The number is divisible by 7.")
println("The number is not divisible by 7.")
Sample Output:
Number is 14 The number is divisible by 7.
Number is 17 The number is not divisible by 7
In the above exercise,
- The user is prompted to input a number using println() and readLine().
- The input is read as a String and converted to an Int using toIntOrNull().
- If the conversion is successful and the number is not null, the program checks if it is divisible by 7 using the modulo operator %:
- If the number modulo 7 equals 0, it means the number is divisible by 7, and the corresponding message is printed.
- If the number modulo 7 does not equal 0, it means the number is not divisible by 7, and the corresponding message is printed.
- If the input is invalid (null), an error message is displayed.
Kotlin Editor:
Previous: Check a number positive, negative, or zero.
Next: Check vowel or consonant.
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