Kotlin Class: Shape, circle, and rectangle classes with area calculation
Write a Kotlin program that creates a class 'Shape' with an abstract function to calculate the area. Create subclasses 'Circle' and 'Rectangle' that override the area calculation function.
Pre-Knowledge (Before You Start!)
Before attempting this exercise, you should be familiar with the following concepts:
- Abstract Classes: In Kotlin, an abstract class cannot be instantiated and is used as a base class for other classes.
- Inheritance: A subclass can inherit properties and functions from a parent class and override them.
- Polymorphism: The ability to call overridden functions from a base class reference.
- Math Functions: Using Math.PI for calculating the area of a circle.
- Function Overriding: Overriding the abstract function calculateArea() in subclasses to provide specific implementations.
Hints (Try Before Looking at the Solution!)
Try to solve the problem using these hints:
- Hint 1: Create an abstract class Shape with an abstract function calculateArea() that returns a Double.
- Hint 2: Define two subclasses, Circle and Rectangle, that extend the Shape class.
- Hint 3: Implement the calculateArea() function in the Circle class using the formula π * radius².
- Hint 4: Implement the calculateArea() function in the Rectangle class using the formula width * height.
- Hint 5: In the main() function, create instances of Circle and Rectangle, call their respective calculateArea() functions, and print the results.
Sample Solution:
Kotlin Code:
abstract class Shape {
abstract fun calculateArea(): Double
class Circle(private val radius: Double) : Shape() {
override fun calculateArea(): Double {
return Math.PI * radius * radius
class Rectangle(private val width: Double, private val height: Double) : Shape() {
override fun calculateArea(): Double {
return width * height
fun main() {
val circle = Circle(7.0)
val circleArea = circle.calculateArea()
println("Circle Area: $circleArea")
val rectangle = Rectangle(5.0, 7.0)
val rectangleArea = rectangle.calculateArea()
println("Rectangle Area: $rectangleArea")
Sample Output:
Circle Area: 153.93804002589985 Rectangle Area: 35.0
In the above exercise -
- First we define an abstract class "Shape" with an abstract function "calculateArea()". This function does not have an implementation in the "Shape" class and must be overridden in its subclasses.
- We create two subclasses: Circle and Rectangle. The Circle class takes the radius as a constructor parameter and overrides the "calculateArea()" function to calculate the area of the circle using the formula π * radius^2.
- Similarly, the "Rectangle" class takes width and height as constructor parameters and overrides the "calculateArea()" function to calculate the area of the rectangle using the formula width * height.
- In the main function, we create instances of Circle and Rectangle and call the "calculateArea()" function on each of them to calculate their respective areas. The calculated areas are then printed.
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