Temperature Conversion: Kotlin Program for Celsius to Fahrenheit and Vice Versa
Write a Kotlin program to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
Sample Solution:
Pre-Knowledge (Before you start!)
- Basic Kotlin Syntax.
- Kotlin Functions.
- Command-Line Arguments.
- Type Conversion.
- Conditional Statements.
- Temperature Conversion Formulas.
- Error Handling.
- String Interpolation.
Hints (Try before looking at the solution!)
- Define the main() Function.
- Prompt for Input.
- Validate the Option.
- Request Temperature Input.
- Create Conversion Functions.
- Use a When Expression.
- Display the Output.
- Handle Invalid Input.
- Test with Different Inputs.
- Common Errors to Avoid:
- Forgetting to validate input.
- Misplacing operators in formulas.
- Not handling invalid inputs gracefully.
Kotlin Code:
Sample Output:
Choose an option: 1. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit 2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Choice = 1 Enter the temperature: Temperature in Celsius: 32.0 Temperature in Fahrenheit: 89.6
Choose an option: 1. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit 2. Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Choice = 2 Enter the temperature: Temperature in Fahrenheit: 89.6 Temperature in Celsius: 32.0
In the above exercise,
- The user is prompted to choose an option by entering a number: 1 for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, or 2 for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius.
- The user's input is read using readLine() and converted to an Int using toIntOrNull().
- The temperature input is read and converted to Double using toDoubleOrNull().
- If the temperature input is valid, a when expression is used to handle the selected option:
- Option 1: The celsiusToFahrenheit() function is called with the temperature value as an argument. The function converts Celsius to Fahrenheit using the formula: (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32.
- Option 2: The fahrenheitToCelsius() function is called with the temperature value as an argument. The function converts Fahrenheit to Celsius using the formula: (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9.
- The converted temperature is then printed to the console using string interpolation.
- If the temperature input or option is invalid (null or not within the specified range), error messages are displayed.
Kotlin Editor:
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