
JavaScript Sorting Algorithm: Sort an array of numbers, using the bucket sort algorithm

JavaScript Sorting Algorithm: Exercise-15 with Solution

Bucket Sort

Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of numbers, using the bucket sort algorithm.

  • Use Math.min(), Math.max() and the spread operator (...) to find the minimum and maximum values of the given array.
  • Use Array.from() and Math.floor() to create the appropriate number of buckets (empty arrays).
  • Use Array.prototype.forEach() to populate each bucket with the appropriate elements from the array.
  • Use Array.prototype.reduce(), the spread operator (...) and Array.prototype.sort() to sort each bucket and append it to the result.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// BucketSort
const bucketSort = (arr, size = 5) => {
  const min = Math.min(...arr);
  const max = Math.max(...arr);
  const buckets = Array.from(
    { length: Math.floor((max - min) / size) + 1 },
    () => []
  arr.forEach(val => {
    buckets[Math.floor((val - min) / size)].push(val);
  return buckets.reduce((acc, b) => [...acc, ...b.sort((a, b) => a - b)], []);
console.log(bucketSort([6, 3, 4, 1]));

Sample Output:



JavaScript Searching and Sorting Algorithm Exercises: Sort an array of numbers, using the bucket sort algorithm.

Live Demo:

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For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that implements bucket sort for an array of floating-point numbers between 0 and 1.
  • Write a JavaScript function that divides the input array into buckets, sorts each bucket with insertion sort, and merges the results.
  • Write a JavaScript function that handles inputs with values outside the expected range by normalizing them.
  • Write a JavaScript function that outputs the sorted array and the intermediate bucket distributions for verification.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript program to sort a list of elements using Bogosort.
Next: Write a JavaScript program to sort an array of objects, ordered by properties and orders.

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