Create Debounced Functions in JavaScript with Promises
Creating a Debounce Function:
Write a JavaScript function that creates a debounce function using Promises and setTimeout.
Solution-1: Using Closures with Promises
// Function to create a debounced function
function createDebouncedFunction(func, delay) {
// Hold the timeout reference
let timeout;
// Return the debounced function
return function (...args) {
// Return a Promise
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Clear any existing timeout
// Set a new timeout to delay execution
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// Resolve the Promise with the function execution
}, delay);
// Example usage of the debounced function
const debouncedLog = createDebouncedFunction((message) => {
console.log(message); // Log the message
return "Message logged";
}, 1000);
// Call the debounced function multiple times
debouncedLog("Hello, World!").then(console.log); // Executes after 1 second
debouncedLog("Hello, JavaScript!").then(console.log); // Cancels previous call
"Hello, JavaScript!" "Message logged"
- createDebouncedFunction(func, delay): Takes a function (func) and a delay in milliseconds as arguments.
- timeout: Used to store the current setTimeout instance, ensuring only the latest call is executed.
- clearTimeout(timeout): Cancels any pending timeout.
- setTimeout: Delays the execution of func until after delay milliseconds.
- Promise: Wraps the execution, resolving once func is called.
- Multiple calls reset the timeout, ensuring only the last invocation of debouncedLog is executed.
Solution-2: Using a Class-Based Approach
// Class to handle debouncing with Promises
class DebouncedFunction {
constructor(func, delay) {
this.func = func; // The function to debounce
this.delay = delay; // The debounce delay
this.timeout = null; // Store the timeout ID
// Method to invoke the debounced function
call(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Clear existing timeout
// Set a new timeout
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// Resolve with the function's result
}, this.delay);
// Example usage of the debounced class
const debouncer = new DebouncedFunction((message) => {
console.log(message); // Log the message
return "Message logged";
}, 1500);
// Call the debounced function multiple times"Message 1").then(console.log); // Executes after 1.5 seconds"Message 2").then(console.log); // Cancels previous call
"Message 2" "Message logged"
- Class-Based Structure: Encapsulates the debounce logic in a class (DebouncedFunction).
- this.func and this.delay: Store the function and delay as class properties.
- this.timeout: Holds the timeout ID.
- call(...args): Handles the logic for debouncing using promises and setTimeout.
- Each call clears the previous timeout, ensuring only the latest invocation executes.
See the Pen promises-and-async-await-exercise-13 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a JavaScript function that implements a debounce mechanism using Promises and setTimeout to delay rapid function calls.
- Write a JavaScript function that creates a debounced search function using Promises to limit API call frequency.
- Write a JavaScript function that implements a debounce utility to postpone execution until a burst of events subsides, using Promises.
- Write a JavaScript function that uses a combination of setTimeout and Promises to create a reusable debounce function for input events.
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Previous: Efficiently Combine Sync and Async tasks with Promise.all.
Next: Using Async/Await with Dynamic imports in JavaScript.
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