
JavaScript Class: Vehicle and car subclass with details

JavaScript OOP: Exercise-3 with Solution

Vehicle and Car Classes with Inheritance

Write a JavaScript program that creates a class called 'Vehicle' with properties for make, model, and year. Include a method to display vehicle details. Create a subclass called 'Car' that inherits from the 'Vehicle' class and includes an additional property for the number of doors. Override the display method to include the number of doors.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

class Vehicle {
  constructor(make, model, year) {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
    this.year = year;

  displayDetails() {
    console.log(`Make: ${this.make}`);
    console.log(`Model: ${this.model}`);
    console.log(`Year: ${this.year}`);

class Car extends Vehicle {
  constructor(make, model, year, doors) {
    super(make, model, year);
    this.doors = doors;

  displayDetails() {
    console.log(`Doors: ${this.doors}`);

// Create an instance of the Vehicle class
const vehicle = new Vehicle('Ford', 'F-150', 2020);

// Display vehicle details
console.log('Vehicle Details:');

// Create an instance of the Car class
const car = new Car('Honda', 'Accord', 2023, 4);

// Display car details
console.log('\nCar Details:');

Sample Output:

"Vehicle Details:"
"Make: Ford"
"Model: F-150"
"Year: 2020"
"Car Details:"
"Make: Honda"
"Model: Accord"
"Year: 2023"
"Doors: 4"

Note: Executed on JS Bin


In the above exercise,

We create a class called "Vehicle" with properties for make, model, and year. It includes a method "displayDetails()" to display vehicle details. A subclass called "Car" is created, which inherits from the “Vehicle” class and includes an additional property for the number of doors. The "displayDetails() " method is overridden in the "Car" class to include the number of doors. An instance of the "Vehicle " class and an instance of the "Car" class are created, and their details are displayed using the "displayDetails()" method.


Flowchart: Vehicle and car subclass with details.
Flowchart: Vehicle and car subclass with details.

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-oop-exercise-3 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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