
Mastering Conditional Imports in JavaScript Modules

Conditional Imports:

Write a JavaScript program that imports a specific module conditionally based on a runtime value.

Solution-1: Using import() with an if Condition

JavaScript Code:

File: mathOperations.js

// mathOperations.js
// Exporting functions from mathOperations.js
export const add = (a, b) => a + b; // Adds two numbers
export const multiply = (a, b) => a * b; // Multiplies two numbers

File: main.js

// Function to conditionally import a module and use its functions
async function calculate(a, b, operation) {
  if (operation === 'add') {
    // Conditionally importing the module for addition
    const { add } = await import('./mathOperations.js');
    console.log(add(a, b)); // Logs the sum
  } else if (operation === 'multiply') {
    // Conditionally importing the module for multiplication
    const { multiply } = await import('./mathOperations.js');
    console.log(multiply(a, b)); // Logs the product
  } else {
    console.log('Invalid operation'); // Handles invalid input

// Calling the function
calculate(2, 3, 'add'); // Logs 5
calculate(2, 3, 'multiply'); // Logs 6




  • mathOperations.js exports add and multiply functions.
  • In main.js, the calculate function takes parameters a, b, and operation.
  • The if condition checks the value of operation.
  • Based on the condition, the appropriate function (add or multiply) is dynamically imported and executed.

Solution-2: Using switch Case for Conditional Imports

JavaScript Code:

File: stringOperations.js

// stringOperations.js
// Exporting functions from stringOperations.js
export const toUpperCase = (str) => str.toUpperCase(); // Converts a string to uppercase
export const toLowerCase = (str) => str.toLowerCase(); // Converts a string to lowercase

File: main.js

// Function to conditionally import a module for string operations
async function stringOperation(str, operation) {
  switch (operation) {
    case 'uppercase': {
      // Importing the module for converting to uppercase
      const { toUpperCase } = await import('./stringOperations.js');
      console.log(toUpperCase(str)); // Logs the uppercase version
    case 'lowercase': {
      // Importing the module for converting to lowercase
      const { toLowerCase } = await import('./stringOperations.js');
      console.log(toLowerCase(str)); // Logs the lowercase version
      console.log('Invalid operation'); // Handles invalid input

// Calling the function
stringOperation('Hello', 'uppercase'); // Logs 'HELLO'
stringOperation('Hello', 'lowercase'); // Logs 'hello'




  • stringOperations.js exports toUpperCase and toLowerCase functions.
  • In main.js, the stringOperation function accepts str and operation as inputs.
  • The switch statement is used to determine which function to import based on the operation value.
  • The appropriate function is dynamically imported and executed.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that conditionally imports a module based on a feature flag and then uses its functions if available.
  • Write a JavaScript program that checks the browser type at runtime and imports a specific polyfill module if needed.
  • Write a JavaScript program that imports one of two modules based on a user-selected theme (e.g., light or dark mode).
  • Write a JavaScript program that uses a conditional expression to decide which module to import and then executes a function from the selected module.

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Previous: Dynamic Imports in JavaScript Modules.
Next: Constants Export and Import in JavaScript Modules.

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