
Learn to Dynamically Override JavaScript Module Exports

Overriding Exports:

Write a JavaScript program to create a module and override its exports dynamically in another file.

In JavaScript, overriding exports means modifying or replacing the exported values from a module dynamically in another file. This can be useful for testing, mocking, or extending functionality.

Solution 1: Overriding with Custom Exports


File: moduleA.js

This file defines the initial exports.

// moduleA.js
 // Exporting an object with default properties
export const config = {
  mode: 'production',
  debug: false,

// Exporting a function
export function logMessage(message) {
  if (config.debug) {
    console.log(`[DEBUG] ${message}`);
  } else {

File: main.js

This file overrides the config object dynamically.

// Importing the module
import { config, logMessage } from './moduleA.js';

// Overriding the exported config object
config.debug = true; // Enabling debug mode

// Using the overridden export
logMessage('This is a debug message.');  


[DEBUG] This is a debug message.


  • moduleA.js exports an object (config) and a function (logMessage).
  • In main.js, the config object is imported and its debug property is modified.
  • The change dynamically affects the behavior of the logMessage function.

Solution-2: Overriding Exports by Mocking


File: moduleB.js

This file defines a simple exported function.

// moduleB.js
 // Exporting a function
export function fetchData() {
  return 'Real data from the server';

File: main.js

This file overrides the fetchData function dynamically.

// main.js
// Importing the module
import { fetchData as originalFetchData } from './moduleB.js';

// Creating a wrapper for fetchData
let fetchData = originalFetchData;

// Overriding the fetchData function dynamically
fetchData = function () {
  return 'Mock data for testing';

// Using the overridden export
console.log(fetchData()); // Logs "Mock data for testing" 


Mock data for testing


  • Immutable Imports: The original fetchData from moduleB.js is imported and stored as originalFetchData.
  • Wrapper: A new local variable fetchData acts as a wrapper that can be reassigned or mocked.
  • Overriding Locally: The wrapper function (fetchData) is overridden without modifying the original module export.
  • Mock Implementation: The overridden version is used as needed without affecting the immutability of ES6 imports.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript module that exports a function, then in another file override that export with a modified version at runtime.
  • Write a JavaScript program that dynamically replaces an exported function with a new implementation after import.
  • Write a JavaScript module that allows reconfiguration of its exports based on user input and demonstrates the overridden behavior.
  • Write a JavaScript program that logs both the original and overridden function outputs to verify the change.

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Previous: Import JavaScript Modules for Side Effects.
Next: Practical Guide to Mixing ES6 and CommonJS Modules.

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