
JavaScript Modules using Namespace Imports

Namespace Import:

Write a JavaScript program that imports an entire module as a namespace and access its properties.

Solution 1: Using Namespace Import for Utility Functions


File: mathUtils.js

This file contains multiple utility functions exported individually..

// mathUtils.js
// Exporting multiple utility functions
export const add = (a, b) => a + b; // Adds two numbers
export const subtract = (a, b) => a - b; // Subtracts two numbers
export const multiply = (a, b) => a * b; // Multiplies two numbers
export const divide = (a, b) => a / b; // Divides two numbers

File: main.js

This file demonstrates importing the entire module as a namespace.

// main.js  
// Importing the entire module as a namespace
import * as MathUtils from './mathUtils.js';

// Accessing properties of the namespace
console.log(MathUtils.add(10, 5)); // Logs 15
console.log(MathUtils.multiply(4, 3)); // Logs 12




  • mathUtils.js exports four utility functions using named exports.
  • In main.js, the entire module is imported as a namespace MathUtils.
  • The namespace provides access to all exported functions, which can be used with the MathUtils prefix.

Solution-2: Using Namespace Import for Constants and Functions


File: constants.js

This file contains constants and utility functions exported individually.

// constants.js
// Exporting constants
export const PI = 3.14159;
export const E = 2.718;

// Exporting utility functions
export const circleArea = (radius) => PI * radius * radius; // Calculates area of a circle
export const exponential = (base, power) => Math.pow(base, power); // Calculates exponentiation

File: main.js

This file demonstrates importing the entire module as a namespace.

// main.js  
// Importing the entire module as a namespace
import * as Constants from './constants.js';

// Accessing constants and functions from the namespace
console.log(Constants.PI); // Logs 3.14159
console.log(Constants.circleArea(5)); // Logs 78.53975 (area of a circle with radius 5)
console.log(Constants.exponential(2, 3)); // Logs 8 (2 raised to the power 3)  




  • constants.js exports constants (PI and E) and utility functions (circleArea and exponential).
  • In main.js, the entire module is imported as a namespace Constants.
  • The namespace is used to access both constants and utility functions.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that imports an entire module as a namespace and then calls various functions from that namespace.
  • Write a JavaScript program that iterates over the keys of a namespace import and logs each function name and its result.
  • Write a JavaScript program that uses a namespace import to access constants and functions from a utility module.
  • Write a JavaScript program that demonstrates modifying a namespace import's properties and then using them.

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Previous: JavaScript: Using Custom Aliases for Default Exports.
Next: Handle Circular dependencies in JavaScript Modules.

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