
Mastering JavaScript Default Exports and Imports

Default Export:

Write a JavaScript module that exports a default function to greet a user and use it in another file.


JavaScript Code:

File: greet.js

// --- file: greet.js ---
// Export a default function
export default function greet(name) {
  return 'Hello, ${name}!';

File: app.js

// --- file: app.js ---
// Import the default function
import greet from './greet.js';

// Use the imported function


Hello, Sara!


  • greet.js exports a default function called 'greet'.
  • app.js imports it using 'import greet from './greet.js';'.
  • The function is invoked to greet the user Alice.


JavaScript Code:

File: greetings.js

// --- file: greetings.js ---
// Export a default function
const greet = (name) => {
  return 'Hi, ${name}! Welcome!';
export default greet;

File: main.js

// --- file: main.js ---
// Import the default function
import greet from './greetings.js';

// Use the imported function
const message = greet('Bob');


Hi, Bob! Welcome!


  • greetings.js defines a default exported function using an arrow function syntax.
  • main.js imports the default export using the 'import' statement.
  • The function is used to generate a greeting message for Bob.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript module that exports a default function which takes a user name and returns a greeting in a customizable format.
  • Write a JavaScript module that exports a default function that calculates and returns the factorial of a number.
  • Write a JavaScript module that exports a default function to format dates, and then import it in another file to display today’s date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
  • Write a JavaScript module that exports a default function which logs a random motivational quote, then use it in a separate file to display a quote on page load.

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Next: Named Exports in JavaScript for Arithmetic Operations.

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