
JavaScript: Check a string is in Flat case

JavaScript String: Exercise-53 with Solution

Check Flat Case

Flat case: As the name implies, flatcase refers to the use of lowercase letters, with no spaces between words.
Write a JavaScript function to check a given string is in Flat case or not.
Test Data:
('j') -> true
('java exercises') -> false
('JavaScriptExercises') -> false
('javascriptexercises') -> true
(12356) -> "It must be a string."

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

 * Define a function named test which takes a single parameter 'text'.
 * @param {string} text - The input text to be tested.
 * @returns {boolean|string} - Returns true if the input text contains only lowercase letters, otherwise returns a string message.
const test = (text) => {
  // Check if the input parameter is a string.
  if (typeof text !== 'string') {
    return 'It must be a string.';
  // Define a regular expression pattern to match strings containing only lowercase letters.
  const pattern = /^[a-z]*$/;
  // Test if the input text matches the defined pattern.
  return pattern.test(text);

// Test the function with various inputs and log the results.
console.log(test('j')); // true
console.log(test('java exercises')); // false
console.log(test('JavaScriptExercises')); // false
console.log(test('javascriptexercises')); // true
console.log(test(12356)); // 'It must be a string.'


It must be a string.


In the exercise above,

  • The function "test()" takes one parameter, 'text', representing the input text to be tested.
  • It begins with a check to ensure that the input parameter is a string. If it's not a string, the function returns the message "It must be a string."
  • The function then defines a regular expression pattern (/^[a-z]*$/) that matches strings containing only lowercase letters.
  • It applies this pattern using the "test()" method on the input text and returns the result.
  • Test cases are provided at the end to illustrate the function's behavior with different inputs.


Flowchart: JavaScript: Check a string is in Flat case

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-string-exercise-53 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that tests if a string is entirely lowercase with no spaces (flatcase) using regular expressions.
  • Write a JavaScript function that validates the input is a string and then compares it to its lowercase version.
  • Write a JavaScript function that returns true for strings that match the flatcase pattern and false otherwise.
  • Write a JavaScript function that handles numeric inputs by returning an error if the input is not a string.

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Previous: Check exceeding word.
Next: Check a string is in Kebab case.

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