
JavaScript: Get unique guid of the specified length, or 32 by default

JavaScript String: Exercise-49 with Solution

Generate GUID

Write a JavaScript function to get a guid (an acronym for 'Globally Unique Identifier'?) of the specified length, or 32 by default.
Test Data:

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named 'guid' that generates a unique identifier.
function guid(len) {
    // Initialize an empty array to store characters of the generated identifier.
    var buf = [],
        // Define a string containing all possible characters for the identifier.
        chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
        // Calculate the length of the character string.
        charlen = chars.length,
        // Set the desired length of the identifier or default to 32.
        length = len || 32;

    // Loop 'length' times to generate the identifier.
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        // Generate a random index to pick a character from the character string.
        buf[i] = chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charlen));

    // Return the generated identifier by joining the array of characters into a string.
    return buf.join('');

// Log the result of calling 'guid' with no arguments to generate a default-length identifier.
// Log the result of calling 'guid' with an argument of 15 to generate a 15-character identifier.




The above code defines a function "guid(len)" that generates a random unique identifier (GUID). Here's a breakdown:

  • The 'guid' function takes an optional parameter 'len' to specify the length of the generated GUID.
  • It initializes an empty array 'buf' to store the characters of the GUID.
  • It defines a string 'chars' containing all possible characters that can be used in the GUID.
  • It calculates the length of the character string using 'charlen'.
  • It sets the length of the GUID to the specified length or defaults to 32 if no length is provided.
  • It loops 'length' times and, in each iteration, generates a random character from the 'chars' string and adds it to the 'buf' array.
  • Finally, it joins the characters in the 'buf' array to form a string and returns the generated GUID.


Flowchart: JavaScript: Get unique guid of the specified length, or 32 by default

Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript Get unique guid of the specified length, or 32 by default-string-ex-49 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that generates a GUID of 32 characters using random hexadecimal digits and hyphenation.
  • Write a JavaScript function that creates a GUID with a specified length and validates the format using regex.
  • Write a JavaScript function that simulates GUID generation by combining current timestamps with random numbers.
  • Write a JavaScript function that returns a GUID in both uppercase and lowercase based on an optional parameter.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript function to test whether a string ends with a specified string.
Next: Alphanumeric characters that are palindromes.

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