JavaScript: Create a case-insensitive search
JavaScript String: Exercise-38 with Solution
Case-Insensitive Search
Write a JavaScript function to create a case-insensitive search.
Test Data:
console.log(case_insensitive_search('JavaScript Exercises', 'exercises'));
console.log(case_insensitive_search('JavaScript Exercises', 'Exercises'));
console.log(case_insensitive_search('JavaScript Exercises', 'Exercisess'));
"Not Matched"
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
JavaScript Code:
// Define a function called case_insensitive_search which takes two parameters: str (the string to search within) and search_str (the string to search for)
function case_insensitive_search(str, search_str)
// Use a regular expression with the "i" flag to perform a case-insensitive search for search_str within str, and store the result in the variable result
var result= RegExp(search_str, "i"));
// If the result is greater than 0 (indicating a match), return 'Matched'; otherwise, return 'Not Matched'
if (result>0)
return 'Matched';
return 'Not Matched';
// Call the case_insensitive_search function with different strings and search terms, and print the results to the console
console.log(case_insensitive_search('JavaScript Exercises', 'exercises'));
console.log(case_insensitive_search('JavaScript Exercises', 'Exercises'));
console.log(case_insensitive_search('JavaScript Exercises', 'Exercisess'));
Matched Matched Not Matched
The above code defines a function called "case_insensitive_search()" that performs a case-insensitive search for a given 'search_str' within a larger 'str'.
It uses the "search()" method with a regular expression constructed using 'RegExp' with the "i" flag to indicate case insensitivity.
If a match is found, it returns 'Matched', otherwise 'Not Matched'. The function is then called with different input strings and search terms, and the results are printed to the console.

Live Demo:
See the Pen JavaScript Create a case-insensitive search-string-ex-38 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a JavaScript function that performs a case-insensitive search for a substring within a string and returns "Matched" or "Not Matched".
- Write a JavaScript function that converts both the text and search substring to lowercase and uses indexOf() for the search.
- Write a JavaScript function that uses regular expressions with the 'i' flag to perform the search.
- Write a JavaScript function that validates the input types and returns a custom error if the search term is not a string.
Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.
Previous: Write a JavaScript function to test case insensitive (except special Unicode characters) string comparison.
Next: Write a JavaScript function to uncapitalize the first character of a string.
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