
JavaScript: Remove HTML/XML tags from string

JavaScript String: Exercise-35 with Solution

Remove HTML/XML Tags

Write a JavaScript function to remove HTML/XML tags from a string.

Test Data:
console.log(strip_html_tags('<p><strong><em>PHP Exercises</em></strong></p>'));
"PHP Exercises"

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Remove HTML/XML tags from string

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Function to strip HTML tags from a given string
function strip_html_tags(str) {
    // Check if the input string is null or empty
    if ((str === null) || (str === '')) {
        // If so, return false
        return false;
    } else {
        // If not, convert the input string to a string type
        str = str.toString();
    // Use a regular expression to replace all HTML tags with an empty string
    return str.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');

// Test the function with a sample string and log the result to the console
console.log(strip_html_tags('PHP Exercises'));


PHP Exercises


In the exercise above,

  • The function "strip_html_tags()" takes a single parameter 'str', which represents the input string from which HTML tags will be removed.
  • Inside the function:
    • It first checks if the input string is null or empty. If so, it returns 'false'.
    • If the input string is not null or empty, it converts it to a string type.
    • It then uses a regular expression '(/<[^>]*>/g)' to match and replace all HTML tags (<...>) with an empty string, effectively removing them.
  • Finally, the function returns the modified string with HTML tags removed.


Flowchart: JavaScript- Remove HTML/XML tags from string

Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript Remove HTML/XML tags from string-string-ex-35 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that strips out HTML/XML tags from a string using regular expressions.
  • Write a JavaScript function that removes all tag-like patterns from a string and returns the plain text.
  • Write a JavaScript function that processes a string containing nested tags and returns only the content.
  • Write a JavaScript function that validates the input and ensures no residual tag characters remain after processing.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

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