
JavaScript: Find the length of an object

JavaScript Object: Exercise-3 with Solution

Object Length

Write a JavaScript program to get the length of a JavaScript object.

Sample object:
var student = {
name : "David Rayy",
sclass : "VI",
rollno : 12 };

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

//Write a JavaScript program to get the length of a JavaScript object.

Object.objsize = function(Myobj) {
    var osize = 0, key;
    for (key in Myobj) {
        if (Myobj.hasOwnProperty(key)) osize++;
    return osize;

var student = { 
name : "David Rayy", 
sclass : "VI", 
rollno : 12 };

var objsize = Object.objsize(student);
console.log('Size of the current object : '+objsize);


Size of the current object : 3


Flowchart: JavaScript - Find the length of an object.

Live Demo:

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Previous: Write a JavaScript program to delete the rollno property from the following object. Also print the object before or after deleting the property.
Next: Write a JavaScript program to display the reading status (i.e. display book name, author name and reading status) of the following books.

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