
JavaScript: Delete a property from an object and print before or after deleting

JavaScript Object: Exercise-2 with Solution

Delete Property

Write a JavaScript program to delete the rollno property from the following object. Also print the object before or after deleting the property.
Sample object:
var student = {
name : "David Rayy",
sclass : "VI",
rollno : 12 };

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

var student =  { 
  name : "David Rayy", 
  sclass : "VI", 
  rollno : 12  };
delete student.rollno;


{"name":"David Rayy","sclass":"VI","rollno":12}
{"name":"David Rayy","sclass":"VI"}


Flowchart: JavaScript - Delete a property from an object and print before or after deleting.

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-object-exercise-2 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that deletes a specified property from an object and then displays the remaining properties.
  • Write a JavaScript function that attempts to delete a non-configurable property and handles the resulting error gracefully.
  • Write a JavaScript function that creates a shallow copy of an object excluding a given property.
  • Write a JavaScript function that iterates over an object's properties and deletes all properties that meet a certain condition.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript program to list the properties of a JavaScript object.
Next: Write a JavaScript program to get the length of an JavaScript object.

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