
JavaScript: Show the Hamming numbers

JavaScript Math: Exercise-44 with Solution

Generate First 20 Hamming Numbers

Write a JavaScript function to show the first twenty Hamming numbers. Hamming numbers are numbers with prime factors of 2, 3 and 5

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named Hamming that generates a sequence of Hamming numbers up to the nth number.
function Hamming(n) {
    // Initialize an array to store the Hamming numbers.
    var succession = [1];
    // Initialize a variable to store the length of the succession array.
    var length = succession.length;
    // Initialize a variable to store the candidate number starting from 2.
    var candidate = 2;
    // Continue the loop until the length of the succession array reaches 'n'.
    while (length < n) {
        // If the candidate number is a Hamming number, add it to the succession array.
        if (isHammingNumber(candidate)) {
            succession[length] = candidate;
        // Move to the next candidate number.
    // Return the array of Hamming numbers.
    return succession;

// Define a helper function named isHammingNumber that checks if a number is a Hamming number.
function isHammingNumber(num) {
    // Divide the number by 5 repeatedly until it is no longer divisible by 5.
    while (num % 5 === 0) num /= 5;
    // Divide the number by 3 repeatedly until it is no longer divisible by 3.
    while (num % 3 === 0) num /= 3;
    // Divide the number by 2 repeatedly until it is no longer divisible by 2.
    while (num % 2 === 0) num /= 2;
    // Check if the remaining number is 1 (a Hamming number).
    return num == 1;

// Output the result of generating the first 20 Hamming numbers to the console.



Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Math - Show the Hamming numbers.


Flowchart: JavaScript Math - Show the hamming numbers number

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-math-exercise-44 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that generates the first 20 Hamming numbers using a heap-based approach.
  • Write a JavaScript function that iteratively computes Hamming numbers and stores them in an array until 20 numbers are obtained.
  • Write a JavaScript function that uses multiple pointers to merge multiples of 2, 3, and 5 into a sequence of Hamming numbers.
  • Write a JavaScript function that verifies each Hamming number by checking its prime factorization before adding it to the list.

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Next: Write a JavaScript function to subtract elements from one another in an array.

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