
JavaScript: Limit a value inside a certain range

JavaScript Math: Exercise-37 with Solution

Limit Value Within Range

Write a JavaScript function to limit a value inside a certain range.

Note : If the value is higher than max it will return max. and if the value is smaller than min it will return the min.
Test Data :
console.log(value_limit(7, 1, 12));
console.log(value_limit(-7, 0, 12));
console.log(value_limit(15, 0, 12));

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named value_limit that restricts a value within a specified range.
function value_limit(val, min, max) {
  // If val is less than min, return min; otherwise, if val is greater than max, return max; otherwise, return val.
  return val < min ? min : (val > max ? max : val);

// Output the result of restricting the value 7 within the range [1, 12] to the console.
console.log(value_limit(7, 1, 12));
// Output the result of restricting the value -7 within the range [0, 12] to the console.
console.log(value_limit(-7, 0, 12));
// Output the result of restricting the value 15 within the range [0, 12] to the console.
console.log(value_limit(15, 0, 12));



Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Math - Limit a value inside a certain range.


Flowchart: JavaScript Math: Limit a value inside a certain range

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-math-exercise-37 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that clamps a value within a specified minimum and maximum range using conditional operators.
  • Write a JavaScript function that utilizes Math.min and Math.max to restrict a value between two boundaries.
  • Write a JavaScript function that returns the original value if it is within range, or the nearest limit if it is out of range.
  • Write a JavaScript function that implements range limiting using ternary operators without relying on built-in functions.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript function which will return values that are powers of two.
Next: Write a JavaScript function to check if a number is a whole number or has a decimal place.

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