
JavaScript: Accept a list of words and returns the longest

JavaScript Function: Exercise-25 with Solution

Find Longest Country Name

Write a JavaScript function that accept a list of country names as input and returns the longest country name as output.

Sample function : Longest_Country_Name(["Australia", "Germany", "United States of America"])
Expected output : "United States of America"

Visual Presentation:

JavaScript: Accept a list of words and returns the longest

Sample Solution-1:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function named Longest_Country_Name that finds the longest country name in an array
function Longest_Country_Name(country_name) {
  // Use the reduce function to iterate through the array and find the longest country name
  return country_name.reduce(function(lname, country) {
    // Return the longer of the current longest name (lname) and the current country name
    return lname.length > country.length ? lname : country;
  }, "");

// Log the result of calling Longest_Country_Name with the input array to the console
console.log(Longest_Country_Name(["Australia", "Germany", "United States of America"]));


United States of America


Flowchart: JavaScript function: Accept a list of words and returns the longest

Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript - Bubble Sort algorithm-function-ex- 24 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

Sample Solution-2:

JavaScript Code:

// Function to find the longest country name in an array
function Longest_Country_Name(country_names) {
  // Check if the input array is not empty
  if (country_names.length === 0) {
    return "Input array is empty";

  // Sort the array of country names based on the length of each name in descending order
  const sortedNames = country_names.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);

  // Return the first element (longest country name) after sorting
  return sortedNames[0];

// Example usage:
// Input array of country names
var countryNames = ["Australia", "Germany", "United States of America"];
// Call the function and print the result to the console


United States of America


Flowchart: JavaScript function: Accept a list of words and returns the longest

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Next: Write a JavaScript function to find longest substring in a given a string without repeating characters.

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