
JavaScript: Modify paragraph text style through javascript code using button

JavaScript DOM: Exercise-1 with Solution

Style Paragraph

Here is a sample html file with a submit button. Now modify the style of the paragraph text through javascript code.

Sample HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS DOM paragraph style</title>
<p id ='text'>JavaScript Exercises - w3resource</p> 
<button id="jsstyle"

Tips: Clicking on the button the font, font size, and color of the paragraph text will be changed.

Sample Solution:

HTML Code:

<!-- Declaration of HTML document type -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Start of HTML document -->
<!-- Declaring character encoding -->
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<!-- Setting title of the document -->
<title>JS DOM paragraph style</title>
<!-- Start of body section -->
<!-- Creating a paragraph element with id 'text' -->
<p id ='text'>JavaScript Exercises - w3resource</p> 
<!-- Creating a division element -->
<!-- Creating a button element with id 'jsstyle' and onclick event -->
<button id="jsstyle" onclick="js_style()">Style</button>
<!-- End of body section -->
<!-- End of HTML document -->

JavaScript Code:

// Function declaration for js_style
function js_style() 
    // Setting font size using JavaScript
    text.style.fontSize = "14pt";
    // Setting font family using JavaScript
    text.style.fontFamily = "Comic Sans MS";
    // Setting text color using JavaScript
    text.style.color = "green";




Flowchart: JavaScript - Modify paragraph text style through javascript code using button.

Live Demo:

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