
JavaScript: Add items in a blank array and display the items

JavaScript Array: Exercise-13 with Solution

Add Items to Array

Write a JavaScript program to add items to a blank array and display them.

Sample Screen:
add elements in an blank array

Sample Solution:

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
body {padding-top:50px} 
<input type="text" id="text1"></input>
<input type="button" id="button1" value="Add" onclick="add_element_to_array();"></input>
<input type="button" id="button2" value="Display" onclick="display_array();"></input>
<div id="Result"></div> 

JavaScript Code:

// Initialize a variable 'x' with 0
var x = 0;

// Initialize an empty array
var array = Array();

// Function to add an element to the array
function add_element_to_array() {
  // Get the value from the input with id "text1" and assign it to the array at index 'x'
  array[x] = document.getElementById("text1").value;
  // Display an alert indicating the added element and its index
  alert("Element: " + array[x] + " Added at index " + x);
  // Increment the index variable 'x'
  // Clear the value of the input with id "text1"
  document.getElementById("text1").value = "";

// Function to display the elements of the array
function display_array() {
  var e = "<hr/>"; // Initialize a string with a horizontal line

  // Iterate through the array and create a string representation of each element
  for (var y = 0; y < array.length; y++) {
    e += "Element " + y + " = " + array[y] + "<br/>";
  // Set the innerHTML of the element with id "Result" to the generated string
  document.getElementById("Result").innerHTML = e;


Flowchart: JavaScript: Display the colors entered in an array by a specific format

ES6 Version:

// Initialize a variable 'x' with 0
let x = 0;

// Initialize an empty array
const array = [];

// Function to add an element to the array
const add_element_to_array = () => {
  // Get the value from the input with id "text1" and assign it to the array at index 'x'
  array[x] = document.getElementById("text1").value;
  // Display an alert indicating the added element and its index
  alert(`Element: ${array[x]} Added at index ${x}`);
  // Increment the index variable 'x'
  // Clear the value of the input with id "text1"
  document.getElementById("text1").value = "";

// Function to display the elements of the array
const display_array = () => {
  let e = "
"; // Initialize a string with a horizontal line // Iterate through the array and create a string representation of each element array.forEach((element, y) => { e += `Element ${y} = ${element}
`; }); // Set the innerHTML of the element with id "Result" to the generated string document.getElementById("Result").innerHTML = e; };

Live Demo:

See the Pen JavaScript: Add items in a blank array and display the items - array-ex-13 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript function that adds new items to an initially empty array using push and unshift.
  • Write a JavaScript function that dynamically populates an array based on user input and displays the final array.
  • Write a JavaScript function that inserts items at specified indices in an array and handles index out-of-bound errors.
  • Write a JavaScript function that appends items to an array using the spread operator and returns the updated array.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Previous: Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum and product of an array of integers.
Next: Write a JavaScript program to remove duplicate items from an array (ignore case sensitivity).

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