JavaScript: Return true if the provided predicate function returns false for all elements in a collection, false otherwise
JavaScript fundamental (ES6 Syntax): Exercise-91 with Solution
All Elements Fail Predicate Check
Write a JavaScript program that returns true if the provided predicate function returns false for all elements in a collection, false otherwise.
- Use Array.prototype.some() to test if any elements in the collection return true based on fn.
- Omit the second argument, fn, to use Boolean as a default.
Sample Solution:
JavaScript Code:
// Define the 'none' function to check if none of the elements in an array satisfy a given condition.
const none = (arr, fn = Boolean) => !arr.some(fn);
// Example usage:
console.log(none([0, 1, 3, 0], x => x == 2));
console.log(none([0, 0, 0])); //
true true
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