
JavaScript: Compute the average of an array, after mapping each element to a value using the provided function

JavaScript fundamental (ES6 Syntax): Exercise-57 with Solution

Average of Array with Mapping Function

Write a JavaScript program to compute the average of an array, after mapping each element to a value using the provided function.

  • Use Array.prototype.map() to map each element to the value returned by fn.
  • Use Array.prototype.reduce() to add each value to an accumulator, initialized with a value of 0.
  • Divide the resulting array by its length.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

//#Source https://bit.ly/2neWfJ2
// Define a function 'averageBy' to calculate the average value of an array based on a given function or property.
const averageBy = (arr, fn) =>
  // Map each element of the array to the value returned by the function or the value of the property.
  arr.map(typeof fn === 'function' ? fn : val => val[fn])
    // Calculate the sum of all values using the 'reduce' method.
    .reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0) /
  // Divide the sum by the length of the array to get the average.

// Test cases
console.log(averageBy([{ a: 40 }, { a: 20 }, { a: 80 }, { a: 60 }], o => o.a)); // Output: 50 (average of 'a' property)
console.log(averageBy([{ a: 4 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 8 }, { a: 6 }], 'a'));          // Output: 5 (average of 'a' property)



Visual Presentation:

JavaScript Fundamental: Compute the average of an array, after mapping each element to a value using the provided function


flowchart: Compute the average of an array, after mapping each element to a value using the provided function

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-57-1 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that computes the average of an array after transforming each element with a given function.
  • Write a JavaScript function that maps each value of an array to a new value and then calculates the mean of the resulting numbers.
  • Write a JavaScript program that validates and maps array elements before computing their arithmetic mean.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript program to check if all elements in a given array are equal or not.
Next: Write a JavaScript program to split values into two groups according to a predicate function, which specifies which group an element in the input collection belongs to.

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