
JavaScript: Get the number of times a function executed per second

JavaScript fundamental (ES6 Syntax): Exercise-218 with Solution

Write a JavaScript program to get the number of times a function executed per second. HZ is the unit for hertz, the unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second.

  • Use performance.now() to get the difference in milliseconds before and after the iteration loop to calculate the time elapsed executing the function iterations times.
  • Return the number of cycles per second by converting milliseconds to seconds and dividing it by the time elapsed.
  • Omit the second argument, iterations, to use the default of 100 iterations.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

// Define a function 'hz' to measure the performance (in Hertz) of a given function by running it for a specified number of iterations
const hz = (fn, iterations = 100) => {
  // Record the current timestamp before executing the function
  const before = performance.now();
  // Execute the function 'iterations' times
  for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) fn();
  // Calculate the Hertz value by dividing the total number of iterations by the time taken to execute the function
  return (1000 * iterations) / (performance.now() - before);

// Create an array 'numbers' containing 10,000 elements
const numbers = Array(10000)
  .map((_, i) => i);

// Define two functions 'sumReduce' and 'sumForLoop' to sum up the elements in the 'numbers' array using different methods
const sumReduce = () => numbers.reduce((acc, n) => acc + n, 0);
const sumForLoop = () => {
  let sum = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) sum += numbers[i];
  return sum;

// Compare the performance of 'sumReduce' and 'sumForLoop' by measuring their Hertz values
// 'sumForLoop' is nearly 10 times faster than 'sumReduce'




flowchart: Get the number of times a function executed per second

Live Demo:

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