
JavaScript: Create a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments arranged according to the specified indexes

JavaScript: Exercise-158 with Solution

Rearrange Function Arguments

Write a JavaScript program to create a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments arranged according to the specified indexes.

  • Use Array.prototype.map() to reorder arguments based on indexes.
  • Use the spread operator (...) to pass the transformed arguments to fn.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

//#Source https://bit.ly/2neWfJ2 
// Define a function 'rearg' that rearranges the arguments passed to another function based on specified indexes
// It takes two parameters:
// 1. 'fn': The function whose arguments need to be rearranged
// 2. 'indexes': An array of indexes specifying the new order of arguments

const rearg = (fn, indexes) => 
  // Return a new function that takes any number of arguments ('...args')
  (...args) => 
    // Call the original function 'fn' with rearranged arguments using 'indexes' array
    fn(...indexes.map(i => args[i]));

// Define a function 'rearged' which is the result of rearranging the arguments of a given function
var rearged = rearg(
  // Original function that takes three arguments and returns an array of those arguments
  function(a, b, c) {
    return [a, b, c];
  // Array specifying the new order of arguments
  [2, 0, 1]

// Call the 'rearged' function with three arguments 'b', 'c', and 'a'
console.log(rearged('b', 'c', 'a')); // Logs ['a', 'b', 'c'], as the arguments are rearranged



Visual Presentation:

JavaScript Fundamental: Create a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments arranged according to the specified indexes.


flowchart: Create a function that invokes the provided function with its arguments arranged according to the specified indexes

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-158-1 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that creates a wrapper function to rearrange arguments of a given function based on a provided order array.
  • Write a JavaScript function that reorders arguments using a mapping function before invoking the original function.
  • Write a JavaScript program that takes a function and an index permutation and returns a new function with rearranged parameters.
  • Write a JavaScript function that swaps the first and last arguments of any function call and returns the result.

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