
JavaScript: Convert a given string into an array of words

JavaScript fundamental (ES6 Syntax): Exercise-103 with Solution

String to Array of Words

Write a JavaScript program to convert a given string into an array of words.

  • Use String.prototype.split() with a supplied pattern (defaults to non-alpha as a regexp) to convert to an array of strings.
  • Use Array.prototype.filter() to remove any empty strings.
  • Omit the second argument, pattern, to use the default regexp.

Sample Solution:

JavaScript Code:

//#Source https://bit.ly/2neWfJ2
// Define the 'words' function to split a string into words using a specified pattern.
const words = (str, pattern = /[^a-zA-Z-]+/) => {
  // Split the input string using the specified pattern.
  // Filter out any empty strings from the resulting array.
  return str.split(pattern).filter(Boolean);

// Test the 'words' function with different input strings.
console.log(words('I love javaScript!!')); // Output: ['I', 'love', 'javaScript']
console.log(words('python, java, php')); // Output: ['python', 'java', 'php']



Visual Presentation:

JavaScript Fundamental: Return the object associating the properties to the values of an given array of valid property identifiers and an array of values.
JavaScript Fundamental: Return the object associating the properties to the values of an given array of valid property identifiers and an array of values.


flowchart: Convert a given string into an array of words

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-basic-exercise-103-1 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that splits a string into an array of words based on spaces and punctuation.
  • Write a JavaScript function that trims and splits a sentence into words while filtering out empty strings.
  • Write a JavaScript program that converts a paragraph into an array of words, accounting for multiple consecutive whitespace characters.

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Previous: Write a JavaScript program to create an array of elements, grouped based on the position in the original arrays.
Next: Write a JavaScript program to test a value, x, against a predicate function. If true, return fn(x). Else, return x.

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