
JavaScript form validation - Display error for empty fields

JavaScript Event Handling: Exercise-4 with Solution

Form Validation with Error Message

Write a JavaScript program that implements a "form" validation that displays an error message if a required field is left empty when submitting the form.

Sample Solution:

HTML and JavaScript Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    .error-message {
      color: red;
      margin-top: 5px;
  <form id="myForm">
    <label for="name">Name:</label>
    <input type="text" id="name" required>
    <label for="email">Email:</label>
    <input type="email" id="email" required>
    <label for="message">Message:</label>
    <textarea id="message" required></textarea>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  <div id="errorMessages"></div>
    const form = document.getElementById('myForm');
    const errorMessagesDiv = document.getElementById('errorMessages');
    form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
      errorMessagesDiv.innerHTML = '';
      const requiredFields = form.querySelectorAll('[required]');
      requiredFields.forEach((field) => {
        if (field.value.trim() === '') {
          const fieldName = field.getAttribute('name');
          const errorMessage = document.createElement('p');
          errorMessage.textContent = `${fieldName} is required.`;


JavaScript form validation - Display error for empty fields.
JavaScript form validation - Display error for empty fields.
JavaScript form validation - Display error for empty fields.

Note: Executed on JS Bin


In the above exercise,

  • The HTML structure consists of a <form> element with an id of "myForm" that contains several input fields and a submit button. Below the form, there is a <div> element with an id of "errorMessages" which serves as a container for displaying error messages.
  • The JavaScript code attaches an event listener to the form's "submit" event using addEventListener. When the form is submitted, the event listener function is triggered.
  • Inside the event listener function, the default form submission behavior is prevented using event.preventDefault() to stop the form from being submitted and the page from being refreshed.
  • The code then retrieves all the input fields with the required attribute using form.querySelectorAll('[required]'). It loops through each of these required fields using forEach and checks if the field's value, after trimming any leading or trailing spaces, is empty. If a required field is empty, an error message is created as a <p> element. Its content is set to indicate the field name followed by the text "is required."
  • The error message element is then appended to the "errorMessagesDiv" container using appendChild.


Flowchart: JavaScript button click event listener - Interactive program.

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-event-handling-exercise-4 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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Event Handling Exercises Previous: JavaScript mouse enter event - Change background color.
Event Handling Exercises Next: JavaScript Slideshow - Next & previous button image change.

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