
Build a Shopping Cart using JavaScript and SessionStorage

JavaScript Event Handling: Exercise-17 with Solution

SessionStorage Cart

Write a JavaScript program to simulate a shopping cart where the cart state is stored in sessionStorage.

Solution 1: Basic Shopping Cart with Add and View Functionality

JavaScript Code:

// Initialize the cart from sessionStorage or set it as an empty array
let cart = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('cart')) || [];

// Function to display the cart
function displayCart() {
  const cartDisplay = document.getElementById('cartDisplay');
  cartDisplay.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous display

  if (cart.length === 0) {
    cartDisplay.textContent = 'Your cart is empty.';
  } else {
    cart.forEach((item, index) => {
      const itemElement = document.createElement('p'); // Create a paragraph for each item
      itemElement.textContent = `${index + 1}. ${item}`; // Display item with index
      cartDisplay.appendChild(itemElement); // Append to cart display

// Create input and buttons for cart actions
const itemInput = document.createElement('input'); // Input for adding items
itemInput.placeholder = 'Enter item name';

const addButton = document.createElement('button'); // Button to add item
addButton.textContent = 'Add to Cart';

const cartDisplay = document.createElement('div'); // Div to display the cart
cartDisplay.id = 'cartDisplay';

// Display the cart initially

// Add button event listener
addButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const newItem = itemInput.value.trim(); // Get item from input
  if (newItem) {
    cart.push(newItem); // Add item to cart
    sessionStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cart)); // Save updated cart in sessionStorage
    itemInput.value = ''; // Clear input
    displayCart(); // Update cart display
  } else {
    alert('Please enter an item name.');


Enter item name
Add to Cart
1. Sara
2. Bob
3. Zorica


    1. Cart Initialization:

    • Retrieves the cart state from sessionStorage or initializes it as an empty array.

    2. Cart Display:

    • Displays the cart items dynamically in a div.

    3. Input Field:

    • Provides a text input for adding new items to the cart.

    4. Add to Cart:

    • Adds the entered item to the cart, updates sessionStorage, and refreshes the display.

Solution 2: Shopping Cart with Add, View, and Clear Functionality

JavaScript Code:

// Initialize the cart from sessionStorage or set it as an empty array
let cart = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('cart')) || [];

// Function to display the cart
function displayCart() {
  const cartDisplay = document.getElementById('cartDisplay');
  cartDisplay.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous display

  if (cart.length === 0) {
    cartDisplay.textContent = 'Your cart is empty.';
  } else {
    cart.forEach((item, index) => {
      const itemElement = document.createElement('p'); // Create a paragraph for each item
      itemElement.textContent = `${index + 1}. ${item}`; // Display item with index
      cartDisplay.appendChild(itemElement); // Append to cart display

// Create input and buttons for cart actions
const itemInput = document.createElement('input'); // Input for adding items
itemInput.placeholder = 'Enter item name';

const addButton = document.createElement('button'); // Button to add item
addButton.textContent = 'Add to Cart';

const clearButton = document.createElement('button'); // Button to clear the cart
clearButton.textContent = 'Clear Cart';

const cartDisplay = document.createElement('div'); // Div to display the cart
cartDisplay.id = 'cartDisplay';

// Display the cart initially

// Add button event listener
addButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const newItem = itemInput.value.trim(); // Get item from input
  if (newItem) {
    cart.push(newItem); // Add item to cart
    sessionStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cart)); // Save updated cart in sessionStorage
    itemInput.value = ''; // Clear input
    displayCart(); // Update cart display
  } else {
    alert('Please enter an item name.');

// Clear button event listener
clearButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  cart = []; // Clear the cart array
  sessionStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cart)); // Save the empty cart to sessionStorage
  displayCart(); // Update cart display


Enter item name    Add to Cart
Clear Cart

1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue


    1. Cart Initialization:

    • Retrieves the cart state from sessionStorage or initializes it as an empty array.

    2. Cart Display:

    • Dynamically displays the cart items in a div and shows "empty" if the cart is cleared.

    3. Add to Cart:

    • Adds items to the cart, updates sessionStorage, and refreshes the display.

    4. Clear Cart:

    • Clears the cart array, updates sessionStorage with an empty array, and refreshes the display.

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-event-handling-exercise-17 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a JavaScript program that simulates a shopping cart by adding items to sessionStorage and displaying the cart state.
  • Write a JavaScript function that updates the sessionStorage cart when items are added or removed and reflects the changes in the UI.
  • Write a JavaScript program that initializes a sessionStorage cart, calculates the total price dynamically, and displays the cart summary.
  • Write a JavaScript function that clears the sessionStorage cart upon user logout or after a set session timeout.

Improve this sample solution and post your code through Disqus.

Event Handling Exercises Previous: Creating a Persistent Counter with JavaScript and LocalStorage.
Event Handling Exercises Next: Fetch API and Error Handling in JavaScript.

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