
Creating a Persistent Counter with JavaScript and LocalStorage

JavaScript Event Handling: Exercise-16 with Solution

LocalStorage Counter

Write a JavaScript program that implements a counter using localStorage to save the count across page refreshes.

Solution 1: Basic Counter with Increment Button

JavaScript Code:

// Initialize the counter from localStorage or set it to 0 if not found
let counter = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('counter')) || 0;

// Create a display element to show the counter value
const counterDisplay = document.createElement('p');
counterDisplay.id = 'counterDisplay';
counterDisplay.textContent = `Counter: ${counter}`;
document.body.appendChild(counterDisplay); // Add the display to the DOM

// Create an increment button
const incrementButton = document.createElement('button');
incrementButton.textContent = 'Increment';
document.body.appendChild(incrementButton); // Add the button to the DOM

// Add click event to the increment button
incrementButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  counter++; // Increment the counter
  localStorage.setItem('counter', counter); // Save the counter value to localStorage
  counterDisplay.textContent = `Counter: ${counter}`; // Update the display


Counter: 3



    1. Counter Initialization:

    • Reads the counter value from localStorage. If it doesn't exist, initializes it to 0.

    2. Counter Display:

    • A paragraph element dynamically displays the counter value.

    3. Increment Button:

    • A button is created and appended to the DOM to allow the user to increment the counter.

    4. Event Listener:

    • The button's click event increments the counter, updates the DOM, and saves the updated value in localStorage.

Solution 2: Counter with Increment and Reset

JavaScript Code:

// Initialize the counter from localStorage or set it to 0 if not found
let counter = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('counter')) || 0;

// Create a display element to show the counter value
const counterDisplay = document.createElement('p');
counterDisplay.id = 'counterDisplay';
counterDisplay.textContent = `Counter: ${counter}`;
document.body.appendChild(counterDisplay); // Add the display to the DOM

// Create an increment button
const incrementButton = document.createElement('button');
incrementButton.textContent = 'Increment';
document.body.appendChild(incrementButton); // Add the button to the DOM

// Create a reset button
const resetButton = document.createElement('button');
resetButton.textContent = 'Reset';
document.body.appendChild(resetButton); // Add the reset button to the DOM

// Add click event to the increment button
incrementButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  counter++; // Increment the counter
  localStorage.setItem('counter', counter); // Save the counter value to localStorage
  counterDisplay.textContent = `Counter: ${counter}`; // Update the display

// Add click event to the reset button
resetButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
  counter = 0; // Reset the counter
  localStorage.setItem('counter', counter); // Save the reset value to localStorage
  counterDisplay.textContent = `Counter: ${counter}`; // Update the display


Counter: 2
Increment  Reset


    1. Counter Initialization:

    • The counter value is read from localStorage or initialized to 0 if not found.

    2. Counter Display:

    • Dynamically created paragraph element displays the counter value.

    3. Increment Button:

    • Increments the counter, updates the DOM, and saves the value in localStorage.

    4. Reset Button:

    • Resets the counter to 0, updates the DOM, and saves the reset value in localStorage.

Live Demo:

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Event Handling Exercises Previous: API Calls with Debounced Input Events in JavaScript.
Event Handling Exercises Next: Build a Shopping Cart using JavaScript and SessionStorage.

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