Java Program for GymMembership and PremiumMembership Classes
Write a Java program to create a class called "GymMembership" with attributes for member name, membership type, and duration. Create a subclass "PremiumMembership" that adds attributes for personal trainer availability and spa access. Implement methods to calculate membership fees and check for special offers based on membership type.
Sample Solution:
Java Code:
// Define the GymMembership class
class GymMembership {
// Attributes for GymMembership
String memberName;
String membershipType;
int duration; // in months
// Constructor for GymMembership
public GymMembership(String memberName, String membershipType, int duration) {
this.memberName = memberName;
this.membershipType = membershipType;
this.duration = duration;
// Method to calculate membership fees
public double calculateFees() {
double baseFee = 50.0; // Base fee per month
return baseFee * duration;
// Method to check for special offers
public String checkSpecialOffers() {
if (membershipType.equalsIgnoreCase("annual")) {
return "10% discount on annual membership.";
} else {
return "No special offers available.";
// Method to display membership details
public void displayDetails() {
System.out.println("Member Name: " + memberName);
System.out.println("Membership Type: " + membershipType);
System.out.println("Duration: " + duration + " months");
System.out.println("Membership Fees: $" + calculateFees());
System.out.println("Special Offers: " + checkSpecialOffers());
- Class definition: Defines the GymMembership class.
- Attributes: Declares three attributes: memberName (String), membershipType (String), and duration (int, in months).
- Constructor: Initializes the memberName, membershipType, and duration attributes with provided values.
- calculateFees() method:
- Sets a base fee of $50.0 per month.
- Returns the total fee by multiplying the base fee with the duration in months.
- checkSpecialOffers() method:
- Checks if the membership type is "annual".
- Returns a 10% discount message if the membership type is annual.
- Returns a message indicating no special offers for other membership types.
- displayDetails() method:
- Prints the member's name, membership type, and duration.
- Calls calculateFees() to print the total membership fees.
- Calls checkSpecialOffers() to print any applicable special offers.
// Define the PremiumMembership class that extends GymMembership
class PremiumMembership extends GymMembership {
// Additional attributes for PremiumMembership
boolean personalTrainerAvailable;
boolean spaAccess;
// Constructor for PremiumMembership
public PremiumMembership(String memberName, String membershipType, int duration, boolean personalTrainerAvailable, boolean spaAccess) {
super(memberName, membershipType, duration);
this.personalTrainerAvailable = personalTrainerAvailable;
this.spaAccess = spaAccess;
// Override the calculateFees method to include additional costs
public double calculateFees() {
double baseFee = super.calculateFees();
double additionalFee = 0.0;
if (personalTrainerAvailable) {
additionalFee += 30.0 * duration; // Additional fee per month for personal trainer
if (spaAccess) {
additionalFee += 20.0 * duration; // Additional fee per month for spa access
return baseFee + additionalFee;
// Override the displayDetails method to include premium details
public void displayDetails() {
System.out.println("Personal Trainer Available: " + (personalTrainerAvailable ? "Yes" : "No"));
System.out.println("Spa Access: " + (spaAccess ? "Yes" : "No"));
- Class definition: Defines the PremiumMembership class, which extends GymMembership.
- Additional attributes: Declares two attributes: personalTrainerAvailable (boolean) and spaAccess (boolean).
- Constructor:
- Calls the superclass (GymMembership) constructor to initialize memberName, membershipType, and duration.
- Initializes personalTrainerAvailable and spaAccess attributes with provided values.
- Override calculateFees() method:
- Calls the superclass method super.calculateFees() to get the base fee.
- Adds additional fees if personalTrainerAvailable and spaAccess are true.
- Returns the total fee, which includes the base fee and any additional fees.
- Override displayDetails() method:
- Calls the superclass method super.displayDetails() to display base details.
- Adds lines to print whether a personal trainer is available and whether spa access is available.
// Main class to test the GymMembership and PremiumMembership classes
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an instance of GymMembership
GymMembership basicMember = new GymMembership("Njeri Inka", "Monthly", 6);
// Create an instance of PremiumMembership
PremiumMembership premiumMember = new PremiumMembership("Willy Diantha", "Annual", 12, true, true);
// Display details of the basic membership
System.out.println("Basic Membership Details:");
// Display details of the premium membership
System.out.println("\nPremium Membership Details:");
- Class definition: Defines the Main class to test GymMembership and PremiumMembership classes.
- main method: Entry point of the program.
- Create an instance of GymMembership:
- Instantiates a GymMembership object named basicMember.
- Initializes with memberName as "Njeri Inka", membershipType as "Monthly", and duration as 6 months.
- Create an instance of PremiumMembership:
- Instantiates a PremiumMembership object named premiumMember.
- Initializes with memberName as "Willy Diantha", membershipType as "Annual", duration as 12 months, personalTrainerAvailable as true, and spaAccess as true.
- Display details of the basic membership:
- Prints "Basic Membership Details:" to the console.
- Calls basicMember.displayDetails() to print the details of the basic membership.
- Display details of the premium membership:
- Prints "\nPremium Membership Details:" to the console.
- Calls premiumMember.displayDetails() to print the details of the premium membership.
Basic Membership Details: Member Name: Njeri Inka Membership Type: Monthly Duration: 6 months Membership Fees: $300.0 Special Offers: No special offers available. Premium Membership Details: Member Name: Willy Diantha Membership Type: Annual Duration: 12 months Membership Fees: $1200.0 Special Offers: 10% discount on annual membership. Personal Trainer Available: Yes Spa Access: Yes
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a Java program where the "GymMembership" class calculates membership renewal discounts based on years of membership.
- Write a Java program to modify the "PremiumMembership" subclass to track and limit the number of personal training sessions.
- Write a Java program where the "GymMembership" class automatically pauses memberships if the gym is temporarily closed.
- Write a Java program to implement a method that tracks gym attendance and rewards frequent visitors.
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