
Java Program for Managing Customer and Online Orders

Write a Java program to create a class called "CustomerOrder" with attributes for order ID, customer, and order date. Create a subclass "OnlineOrder" that adds attributes for delivery address and tracking number. Implement methods to calculate delivery time based on the address and update the tracking status.

Sample Solution:

Java Code:


// Import necessary classes for date handling
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;

// Define the CustomerOrder class
public class CustomerOrder {
    // Attributes for order ID, customer, and order date
    private String orderId;
    private String customer;
    private LocalDate orderDate;

    // Constructor to initialize the CustomerOrder object
    public CustomerOrder(String orderId, String customer, LocalDate orderDate) {
        this.orderId = orderId;
        this.customer = customer;
        this.orderDate = orderDate;

    // Getter for order ID
    public String getOrderId() {
        return orderId;

    // Getter for customer
    public String getCustomer() {
        return customer;

    // Getter for order date
    public LocalDate getOrderDate() {
        return orderDate;

    // Method to display order details
    public void displayOrderDetails() {
        System.out.println("Order ID: " + orderId);
        System.out.println("Customer: " + customer);
        System.out.println("Order Date: " + orderDate);


CustomerOrder Class:

  • Attributes: orderId, customer, and orderDate.
  • Constructor: Initializes the attributes.
  • Methods:
    • displayOrderDetails(): Displays the order details.
    • Getters: getOrderId(), getCustomer(), getOrderDate().


// Import necessary classes for date handling
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
// Define the OnlineOrder subclass that extends CustomerOrder
class OnlineOrder extends CustomerOrder {
    // Additional attributes for delivery address and tracking number
    private String deliveryAddress;
    private String trackingNumber;

    // Constructor to initialize the OnlineOrder object
    public OnlineOrder(String orderId, String customer, LocalDate orderDate, String deliveryAddress, String trackingNumber) {
        // Call the superclass constructor to initialize common attributes
        super(orderId, customer, orderDate);
        this.deliveryAddress = deliveryAddress;
        this.trackingNumber = trackingNumber;

    // Getter for delivery address
    public String getDeliveryAddress() {
        return deliveryAddress;

    // Getter for tracking number
    public String getTrackingNumber() {
        return trackingNumber;

    // Method to calculate delivery time based on the address (dummy logic for demonstration)
    public int calculateDeliveryTime() {
        // Dummy logic: Assuming delivery time is based on the length of the address string
        return deliveryAddress.length() % 10 + 1; // Just a placeholder logic

    // Method to update the tracking status (dummy logic for demonstration)
    public void updateTrackingStatus(String newStatus) {
        // Dummy logic: Print the updated tracking status
        System.out.println("Tracking Number: " + trackingNumber + " - Status: " + newStatus);

    // Override the displayOrderDetails method to include additional details
    public void displayOrderDetails() {
        // Call the superclass method to display common details
        // Display additional details for online order
        System.out.println("Delivery Address: " + deliveryAddress);
        System.out.println("Tracking Number: " + trackingNumber);


OnlineOrder Subclass:

  • Extends CustomerOrder.
  • Additional Attributes: deliveryAddress and trackingNumber.
  • Constructor: Initializes the attributes, calling the superclass constructor for the common attributes.
  • Methods:
    • calculateDeliveryTime(): Dummy logic to calculate delivery time based on the address.
    • updateTrackingStatus(String newStatus): Dummy logic to update the tracking status.
    • Overrides displayOrderDetails() to include additional details for online orders.
    • Getters: getDeliveryAddress(), getTrackingNumber().


// Import necessary classes for date handling
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
// Main class to test the CustomerOrder and OnlineOrder classes
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a CustomerOrder object
        CustomerOrder order = new CustomerOrder("ORD023", "Asih Wanjiku", LocalDate.now());
        // Display the order details

        // Create an OnlineOrder object
        OnlineOrder onlineOrder = new OnlineOrder("ORD034", "Kai Biserka", LocalDate.now(), "123 ABC Street, Springfield", "STR455");
        // Display the online order details
        // Calculate and display the delivery time
        int deliveryTime = onlineOrder.calculateDeliveryTime();
        System.out.println("Estimated Delivery Time: " + deliveryTime + " days");
        // Update and display the tracking status
        onlineOrder.updateTrackingStatus("In Transit");


  • Main Method:
    • public static void main(String[] args): The entry point of the program.
  • Creating a CustomerOrder Object:
    • CustomerOrder order = new CustomerOrder("ORD023", "Asih Wanjiku", LocalDate.now());: Creates a CustomerOrder object with order ID "ORD023", customer name "Asih Wanjiku", and the current date.
  • Displaying CustomerOrder Details:
    • order.displayOrderDetails();: Calls the method to display details of the CustomerOrder object.
    • System.out.println();: Prints an empty line for separation.
  • Creating an OnlineOrder Object:
    • OnlineOrder onlineOrder = new OnlineOrder("ORD034", "Kai Biserka", LocalDate.now(), "123 ABC Street, Springfield", "STR455");: Creates an OnlineOrder object with order ID "ORD034", customer name "Kai Biserka", current date, delivery address "123 ABC Street, Springfield", and tracking number "STR455".
  • Displaying OnlineOrder Details:
    • onlineOrder.displayOrderDetails();: Calls the method to display details of the OnlineOrder object.
  • Calculating and Displaying Delivery Time:
    • int deliveryTime = onlineOrder.calculateDeliveryTime();: Calls the method to calculate the delivery time based on the delivery address.
    • System.out.println("Estimated Delivery Time: " + deliveryTime + " days");: Prints the estimated delivery time.
  • Updating and Displaying Tracking Status:
    • onlineOrder.updateTrackingStatus("In Transit");: Calls the method to update the tracking status to "In Transit".


Order ID: ORD023
Customer: Asih Wanjiku
Order Date: 2024-06-10

Order ID: ORD034
Customer: Kai Biserka
Order Date: 2024-06-10
Delivery Address: 123 ABC Street, Springfield
Tracking Number: STR455
Estimated Delivery Time: 8 days
Tracking Number: STR455 - Status: In Transit

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Java program where the "CustomerOrder" class calculates the estimated delivery time based on distance and traffic conditions.
  • Write a Java program to modify the "OnlineOrder" subclass to allow customers to track multiple packages within the same order.
  • Write a Java program where the "CustomerOrder" class applies a discount if the order total exceeds a certain amount.
  • Write a Java program to implement a method that automatically cancels an order if payment is not received within a specific time.

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