Java Program to Manage Course Details and Online Course Features
Write a Java program to create a class called "Course" with attributes for course name, instructor, and credits. Create a subclass "OnlineCourse" that adds attributes for platform and duration. Implement methods to display course details and check if the course is eligible for a certificate based on duration.
Sample Solution:
Java Code:
// Define the Course class
public class Course {
// Attributes for the course name, instructor, and credits
private String courseName;
private String instructor;
private int credits;
// Constructor to initialize the Course object
public Course(String courseName, String instructor, int credits) {
this.courseName = courseName;
this.instructor = instructor;
this.credits = credits;
// Method to display course details
public void displayCourseDetails() {
System.out.println("Course Name: " + courseName);
System.out.println("Instructor: " + instructor);
System.out.println("Credits: " + credits);
// Getter for course name
public String getCourseName() {
return courseName;
// Getter for instructor
public String getInstructor() {
return instructor;
// Getter for credits
public int getCredits() {
return credits;
Course Class:
- Attributes: courseName, instructor, and credits.
- Constructor: Initializes the attributes.
- displayCourseDetails(): Prints the course details.
- Getters: Methods to get the values of the attributes.
// Define the OnlineCourse subclass that extends the Course class
class OnlineCourse extends Course {
// Additional attributes for the platform and duration
private String platform;
private int duration; // duration in hours
// Constructor to initialize the OnlineCourse object
public OnlineCourse(String courseName, String instructor, int credits, String platform, int duration) {
super(courseName, instructor, credits); // Call the superclass constructor
this.platform = platform;
this.duration = duration;
// Method to display course details, including platform and duration
public void displayCourseDetails() {
super.displayCourseDetails(); // Call the superclass method to display common details
System.out.println("Platform: " + platform);
System.out.println("Duration: " + duration + " hours");
// Method to check if the course is eligible for a certificate based on duration
public boolean isEligibleForCertificate() {
// Assume that a course is eligible for a certificate if its duration is at least 10 hours
return duration >= 10;
// Getter for platform
public String getPlatform() {
return platform;
// Getter for duration
public int getDuration() {
return duration;
OnlineCourse Class:
- Extends Course.
- Additional Attributes: platform and duration.
- Constructor: Initializes the attributes, calling the superclass constructor for the common attributes.
- displayCourseDetails(): Overridden to include additional details specific to online courses.
- isEligibleForCertificate(): Checks if the course duration is at least 10 hours to be eligible for a certificate.
- Getters: Methods to get the values of the additional attributes.
// Main class to test the Course and OnlineCourse classes
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a Course object
Course course = new Course("Java Programming", "Dr. Timaios Pliny", 4);
// Create an OnlineCourse object
OnlineCourse onlineCourse = new OnlineCourse("Advanced Java", "Prof. Isacco Lyuba", 4, "Google", 10);
System.out.println("Eligible for Certificate: " + onlineCourse.isEligibleForCertificate());
Main Class:
- Creates instances of Course and OnlineCourse and demonstrates the usage of their methods.
Course Name: Java Programming Instructor: Dr. Timaios Pliny Credits: 4 Course Name: Advanced Java Instructor: Prof. Isacco Lyuba Credits: 4 Platform: Google Duration: 10 hours Eligible for Certificate: true
For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a Java program where the "Course" class prevents duplicate enrollments for the same student.
- Write a Java program to modify the "OnlineCourse" subclass to recommend similar courses based on subject.
- Write a Java program where the "Course" class calculates the average grade of all students enrolled.
- Write a Java program to implement a feature in the "OnlineCourse" class that checks for course completion.
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