
Java: Find all twin prime numbers less than 100

Find Twin Primes Less Than 100

Write a Java method to find all twin prime numbers less than 100.

Pictorial Presentation:

Java Method Exercises: Display the current date and time

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exercise16 {
 public static void main(String[] args) {

        for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++) {

            if (is_Prime(i) && is_Prime(i + 2)) {
                System.out.printf("(%d, %d)\n", i, i + 2);

    public static boolean is_Prime(long n) {

        if (n < 2) return false;

        for (int i = 2; i <= n / 2; i++) {

            if (n % i == 0) return false;
        return true;


Sample Output:

(3, 5)                                                                                                  
(5, 7)                                                                                                  
(11, 13)                                                                                                  
(17, 19)                                                                                                  
(29, 31)                                                                                                  
(41, 43)                                                                                                  
(59, 61)                                                                                                  
(71, 73)

Flowchart :

Flowchart: Find all twin prime numbers less than 100

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Java program to find all twin prime pairs within a user-defined range.
  • Write a Java program to count the number of twin prime pairs less than 200.
  • Write a Java program to list twin prime pairs and compute the sum of each pair.
  • Write a Java program to determine the largest twin prime pair within a given range.

Java Code Editor:

Previous Java Exercise: Write a Java method to display the current date and time.
Next Java Exercise: In an integer, count the number of digits with value 2

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