
Java program to check if a list contains a specific word using lambda expression

Check if List Contains Specific Word

Write a Java program to implement a lambda expression to check if a list of strings contains a specific word.

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Create a list of strings
    List < String > colors = Arrays.asList("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Orange", "Black");

    // Specify the word to search for
    String searchColor = "Orange";

    // Check if the list contains the specified color using a lambda expression
    Predicate < String > containsWord = word -> word.equals(searchColor);
    boolean flag = colors.stream().anyMatch(containsWord);

    // Print the result
    System.out.println("Is the word " + searchColor + " present in the list? " + flag);

    // Specify the word to search for   
    String searchColor1 = "White";

    // Check if the list contains the specified color using a lambda expression
    Predicate < String > containsWord1 = word -> word.equals(searchColor1);
    flag = colors.stream().anyMatch(containsWord1);

    // Print the result
    System.out.println("\nIs the word " + searchColor1 + " present in the list? " + flag);

Sample Output:

Is the word Orange present in the list? true

Is the word White present in the list? false


In the above exercise -

  • Import the necessary classes: Arrays, List, and Predicate.
  • In the main method, we create a list of strings called colors using Arrays.asList().
  • Specify the word we want to search for by assigning it to the variable searchColor.
  • Define a lambda expression to check if a string equals the searchColor using the Predicate functional interface. The lambda expression compares each string with the searchColor using the equals() method.
  • Use the stream() method on the colors list to create a stream of strings.
  • Use the anyMatch() method along with the containsWord predicate to check if any element in the stream matches the predicate.
  • The result of the anyMatch() operation is stored in the boolean variable flag.

Finally, we print the result, indicating whether the list contains the specified color.


Flowchart: Java  Exercises: Java program to check if a list contains a specific word using lambda expression.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

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  • Write a Java program to create a lambda that filters a list of strings by a specific keyword and returns the count.
  • Write a Java program to implement a lambda expression that finds the first occurrence of a specific word in a list.
  • Write a Java program to chain lambda expressions to search a list of strings for a word and then convert the result to uppercase.

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