
Java: Calculate the sum of two integers and return true if the sum is equal to a third integer

Sum Equals Third Integer

Write a Java program to calculate the sum of two integers and return true if the sum is equal to a third integer.

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

import java.util.*;

public class Exercise52 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Scanner object for user input
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        // Prompt the user to input the first number
        System.out.print("Input the first number: ");
        int x = in.nextInt();

        // Prompt the user to input the second number
        System.out.print("Input the second number: ");
        int y = in.nextInt();

        // Prompt the user to input the third number
        System.out.print("Input the third number: ");
        int z = in.nextInt();

        // Calculate the result using the sumoftwo function and display it
        System.out.print("The result is: " + sumoftwo(x, y, z));

        // Print a new line for better formatting
    // Function to check if the sum of two numbers equals the third number
    public static boolean sumoftwo(int p, int q, int r) {
        return ((p + q) == r || (q + r) == p || (r + p) == q);

Sample Output:

Input the first number : 5                                             
Input the second number: 10                                            
Input the third number : 15                                            
The result is: true

Pictorial Presentation:

Pictorial Presentation: Java exercises: Calculate the sum of two integers and return true if the sum is equal to a third integer.


Flowchart: Java exercises: Calculate the sum of two integers and return true if the sum is equal to a third integer

Java Code Editor:

Previous: Write a Java program to convert a string to an integer in Java.
Next: Write a Java program that accepts three integers from the user and return true if the second number is greater than first number and third number is greater than second number.

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