
Java: Test if circumference of two circles intersect or overlap

Test Relationship Between Two Circles

There are two circles C1 with radius r1, central coordinate (x1, y1) and C2 with radius r2 and central coordinate (x2, y2).
Write a Java program to test the followings -
"C2 is in C1" if C2 is in C1
"C1 is in C2" if C1 is in C2
"Circumference of C1 and C2 intersect" if circumference of C1 and C2 intersect, and
"C1 and C2 do not overlap" if C1 and C2 do not overlap.

Input numbers (real numbers) are separated by a space.

Visual Presentation:

Java Basic Exercises: Test if circumference of two circles intersect or overlap.

Sample Solution:

Java Code:

// Importing the Scanner class for user input
import java.util.Scanner;

// Main class named "Main"
public class Main {
    // Main method to execute the program
	public static void main(String arg[]) {
		// Creating a Scanner object for user input
		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

		// Prompting the user to input x1, y1, and r1 for the first circle
		System.out.println("Input x1, y1, r1: (numbers are separated by a space)");
		double x1 = in.nextDouble(), y1 = in.nextDouble(), r1 = in.nextDouble();

		// Prompting the user to input x2, y2, and r2 for the second circle
		System.out.println("Input x2, y2, r2: (numbers are separated by a space)");
		double x2 = in.nextDouble(), y2 = in.nextDouble(), r2 = in.nextDouble();

		// Calculating the distance between the centers of the two circles
		double l = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));

		// Checking the relationship between the circles based on their radii and distance
		if (l > r1 + r2)
			System.out.println("Circumference of C1 and C2 intersect");
		else if (r1 > l + r2)
			System.out.println("C2 is in C1");
		else if (r2 > l + r1)
			System.out.println("C1 is in C2");
			System.out.println("C1 and C2 do not overlap");

Sample Output:

Input x1, y1, r1: (numbers are separated by a space)
 5 6 8 7
Input x2, y2, r2: (numbers are separated by a space)
 8 9 5 4
C1 and C2  do not overlap


Flowchart: Test if circumference of two circles intersect or overlap.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a Java program to determine if two circles are externally tangent, internally tangent, or overlapping.
  • Write a Java program to check if one circle completely encloses another circle.
  • Write a Java program to test whether the areas of two intersecting circles are equal.
  • Write a Java program to compute the distance between two circle centers and determine their positional relationship.

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