MySQL Connectors and APIs

MySQL Connectors and APIs

MySQL Connectors provide connectivity to the MySQL server for client programs and APIs provide low-level access to the MySQL protocol and resources. more...

PHP String - Exercises, Practice, Solution

PHP String - Exercises, Practice, Solution

Here in this article we have discussed about the utilization of some PHP string functions with examples and online practice editior. more...

List of country names in various format

List of country names in various format

Here in this article we have discussed about the List of country names in various format. more...

HTML CSS Exercises

HTML CSS Exercise

HTMl CSS Exercise. more...

MySQL Exercises, Practice, Solution

MySQL Exercises, Practice, Solution

We have just started this section for the users (beginner to intermediate) who want to work with various MySQL Queries and write queriess online to test their MySQL skill. more...

Node.js REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)

Node.js REPL (Read–Eval–Print Loop)

A Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) is a simple, interactive computer programming environment. The term 'REPL' is usually used to refer to a LISP interactive environment, but can be applied to command line shells and similar environments for programming languages like Python more...

Using Buffers in Node.js

Using Buffers in Node.js

Pure JavaScript does not handle straight binary data very well, though JavaScript is Unicode friendly. When dealing with TCP streams and reading and writing to the filesystem, it is necessary to deal with purely binary streams of data. more...

JavaScript Style Guide

JavaScript Style Guide

JavaScript has become ubiquotous in web development. But that comes with a price. A lot of bad code. And as you know, one of the best ways to learn is to read others code, bad code leads to learning bad coding, especially for learners. more...

MySQL Partitioning

MySQL Partitioning

Partitioning (a database design technique) improves performance, manageability, simplifies maintenance and reduce the cost of storing large amounts of data. Partitioning can be achieved without splitting tables by physically putting tables on individual disk drives. more...

MySQL Cast functions and Operators

MySQL Cast functions and Operators

The BINARY operator is used to force a column comparison byte by byte rather than character by character and comparison becomes case sensitive. more...