
HTML CSS Exercise: Style placeholder text


HTML Code :

<!DOCTYPE html<<!-- Document type declaration --<
<html<<!-- Opening HTML tag --<
<head<<!-- Head section containing metadata --<
<meta charset="utf-8"<<!-- Character encoding declaration --<
<title<HTML CSS Exercises - Style Placeholder text</title<<!-- Title of the HTML document --<
<style type="text/css"< /* Opening style tag for CSS with type attribute */
input[type="text"]::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Styling placeholder text for text input fields in WebKit browsers */
color: orange; /* Set the color of the placeholder text */
</style<<!-- Closing style tag --<
</head<<!-- Closing head tag --<
<body<<!-- Body section of the HTML document --<
<!--insert this within html section. within body of codepen --<
<form action=""<<!-- Form element --<
<div<<!-- Div container --<
<label for="email"<Email:</label<<!-- Label for email input --<
<input id="email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="[email protected]"<<!-- Text input field with placeholder text --<
</div<<!-- Closing div container --<
</form<<!-- Closing form element --<
<!--insert this within css section. within body of codepen --<
</body<<!-- Closing body tag --<
</html<<!-- Closing HTML tag --<


  • The HTML document contains a form with an input field for an email address.
  • CSS is used to style the placeholder text specifically for text input fields in WebKit browsers.
  • The CSS selector targets input fields of type "text" and modifies the appearance of the placeholder text.
  • The placeholder text is styled with an orange color to make it stand out.
  • Comments in the HTML code indicate the purpose of each element, and the placeholder text provides guidance to users on the expected input format.
  • Comments are added to indicate where to insert HTML and CSS code within the CodePen editor.

Live Demo :

See the Pen style-placeholder-text-answer by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

Supported browser

Firefox logo Chrome logo Opera logo Safari logo Internet Explorer logo

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