
HTML-CSS: Masonry Layout

HTML-CSS : Exercise-40 with Solution

Using HTML, CSS creates a masonry-style layout that is especially useful when working with images.

  • Create a masonry-style layout that consists of "bricks" that fall into each other with either a fixed width (vertical layout) or a fixed height (horizontal layout), forming a perfect fit. Especially useful when working with images.
  • Define .masonry-container This is the container for the masonry layout and .masonry-columns, an inner container in which .masonry-brick elements will be placed.
  • Apply display: block to .masonry-brick elements to allow the layout to flow properly.
  • Use the :first-child pseudo-element selector to apply a different margin for the first element to account for its positioning.
  • Use CSS variables and media queries for greater flexibility and responsiveness.

HTML Code:

<!--License: https://bit.ly/3GjrtVF-->
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Declares the document type and version of HTML -->
<html><!-- Indicates the start of the HTML document -->
<head><!-- Contains meta-information about the HTML document -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Declares the character encoding for the document -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><!-- Sets the viewport width to the width of the device -->
<title>Using HTML, CSS creates a masonry-style layout that is especially useful when working with images</title><!-- Sets the title of the document -->
</head><!-- End of the head section -->
<body><!-- Contains the content of the HTML document -->
<div class="masonry-container"><!-- Container for the masonry layout -->
<div class="masonry-columns"><!-- Container for the columns of the masonry layout -->
<img <!-- Image element -->
      class="masonry-brick" <!-- Class for each image brick in the masonry layout -->
      src="https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-10.jpeg" <!-- Source of the image -->
      alt="An image" <!-- Alternative text for the image -->
<img <!-- Image element -->
      class="masonry-brick" <!-- Class for each image brick in the masonry layout -->
      src="https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-11.jpeg" <!-- Source of the image -->
      alt="Another image" <!-- Alternative text for the image -->
<img <!-- Image element -->
      class="masonry-brick" <!-- Class for each image brick in the masonry layout -->
      src="https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-12.jpeg" <!-- Source of the image -->
      alt="Another image" <!-- Alternative text for the image -->
<img <!-- Image element -->
      class="masonry-brick" <!-- Class for each image brick in the masonry layout -->
      src="https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-13.jpeg" <!-- Source of the image -->
      alt="One more image" <!-- Alternative text for the image -->
<img <!-- Image element -->
      class="masonry-brick" <!-- Class for each image brick in the masonry layout -->
      src="https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-14.jpeg" <!-- Source of the image -->
      alt="And another one" <!-- Alternative text for the image -->
<img <!-- Image element -->
      class="masonry-brick" <!-- Class for each image brick in the masonry layout -->
      src="https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/html-css-practical-exercises/flower-15.jpeg" <!-- Source of the image -->
      alt="Last one" <!-- Alternative text for the image -->
</html><!-- End of the HTML document -->


  • HTML:
    • <!DOCTYPE html>: Declares the document type and version of HTML.
    • <html>: Indicates the start of the HTML document.
    • <head>: Contains meta-information about the HTML document.
    • <meta charset="utf-8">: Declares the character encoding for the document.
    • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">: Sets the viewport width to the width of the device.
    • <title>: Sets the title of the document.
    • <body>: Contains the content of the HTML document.
    • <div class="masonry-container">: Container for the masonry layout.
    • <div class="masonry-columns">: Container for the columns of the masonry layout.
    • <img>: Image element.
    • class="masonry-brick": Class for each image brick in the masonry layout.
    • src="...": Source of the image.
    • alt="...": Alternative text for the image.

CSS Code:

/* Container */
.masonry-container {
  --column-count-small: 1; /* Defines the number of columns for small screens */
  --column-count-medium: 2; /* Defines the number of columns for medium screens */
  --column-count-large: 3; /* Defines the number of columns for large screens */
  --column-gap: 0.125rem; /* Defines the gap between columns */
  padding: var(--column-gap); /* Adds padding to the container */

/* Columns */
.masonry-columns {
  column-gap: var(--column-gap); /* Sets the gap between columns */
  column-count: var(--column-count-small); /* Sets the number of columns for small screens */
  column-width: calc(1 / var(--column-count-small) * 100%); /* Calculates the width of each column */

@media only screen and (min-width: 640px) {
  .masonry-columns {
    column-count: var(--column-count-medium); /* Sets the number of columns for medium screens */
    column-width: calc(1 / var(--column-count-medium) * 100%); /* Calculates the width of each column */

@media only screen and (min-width: 800px) {
  .masonry-columns {
    column-count: var(--column-count-large); /* Sets the number of columns for large screens */
    column-width: calc(1 / var(--column-count-large) * 100%); /* Calculates the width of each column */

/* Bricks */
.masonry-brick {
  width: 100%; /* Sets the width of each brick to 100% */
  height: auto; /* Allows the height to adjust automatically based on content */
  margin: var(--column-gap) 0; /* Sets the margin around each brick */
  display: block; /* Displays each brick as a block-level element */

.masonry-brick:first-child {
  margin: 0 0 var(--column-gap); /* Adjusts the margin for the first brick */


  • CSS:
    • .masonry-container: Styles for the container of the masonry layout.
      • --column-count-small: Defines the number of columns for small screens.
      • --column-count-medium: Defines the number of columns for medium screens.
      • --column-count-large: Defines the number of columns for large screens.
      • --column-gap: Defines the gap between columns.
      • padding: Adds padding to the container.
    • .masonry-columns: Styles for the columns of the masonry layout.
      • column-gap: Sets the gap between columns.
      • column-count: Sets the number of columns for different screen sizes using CSS variables.
      • column-width: Calculates the width of each column based on the number of columns.
    • .masonry-brick: Styles for the bricks (individual items) in the masonry layout.
      • width: Sets the width of each brick to 100%.
      • height: Allows the height to adjust automatically based on content.
      • margin: Sets the margin around each brick using the defined column gap.
      • display: Displays each brick as a block-level element.
    • .masonry-brick:first-child: Styles for the first brick.
      • Adjusts the margin to remove top margin for the first brick and add bottom margin to maintain the gap between bricks.

HTML-CSS Editor:

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