HTML-CSS: Image overlay on hover
HTML-CSS : Exercise-3 with Solution
Using HTML, CSS create display an image overlay effect on hover.
- Use the :before and :after pseudo-elements for the top and bottom bars of the overlay respectively. Set their opacity, transform and transition to produce the desired effect.
- Use the <figcaption> for the text of the overlay. Set display: flex, flex-direction: column and justify-content: center to center the text into the image.
- Use the :hover pseudo-selector to update the opacity and transform of all the elements and display the overlay.
HTML Code:
<!--License:><!-- License information -->
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Document type declaration -->
<html><!-- Opening HTML tag -->
<head><!-- Head section containing metadata -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Character encoding declaration -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><!-- Viewport meta tag for responsive design -->
<title>Using HTML, CSS create display an image overlay effect on hover</title><!-- Title of the HTML document -->
</head><!-- Closing head tag -->
<body><!-- Body section of the HTML document -->
<figure class="hover-img"><strong>Preview:</strong><br><!-- Figure element with class hover-img and preview heading -->
<img src=""/><!-- Image element with source URL -->
<figcaption><!-- Figcaption element for image caption -->
<h3>Pansy <br/>Flower</h3><!-- Heading inside figcaption for flower name -->
</figcaption><!-- Closing figcaption -->
</figure><!-- Closing figure -->
</body><!-- Closing body tag -->
</html><!-- Closing HTML tag -->
- The HTML document contains a figure element displaying an image with an overlay effect on hover.
- The image source is provided using the
tag with the appropriate URL.
- Inside the figure, there is a figcaption element containing a heading with the name of the flower.
- Comments are provided to explain each section of the HTML code, including the purpose of each element and attribute.
- The license information is included as a comment at the beginning of the document.
CSS Code:
<style> /* Opening style tag for CSS */
/* Styling for the container of the hover image */
.hover-img {
background-color: #000; /* Background color set to black */
color: #fff; /* Text color set to white */
display: inline-block; /* Displayed as an inline block */
margin: 8px; /* Margin around the container */
max-width: 250px; /* Maximum width of the container */
min-width: 240px; /* Minimum width of the container */
overflow: hidden; /* Overflow hidden to hide content outside container */
position: relative; /* Positioned relative to its normal position */
text-align: center; /* Text aligned to the center */
width: 100%; /* Full width of the container */
/* Applying box-sizing and transition to all elements within the container */
.hover-img * {
box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in element's total width and height */
transition: all 0.45s ease; /* Smooth transition for all CSS properties */
/* Styling for the overlay before and after the image */
.hover-img:after {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Background color with 50% opacity */
border-top: 32px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Top border with 50% opacity */
border-bottom: 32px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); /* Bottom border with 50% opacity */
position: absolute; /* Positioned absolutely within the container */
top: 0; /* Positioned at the top */
bottom: 0; /* Positioned at the bottom */
left: 0; /* Positioned at the left */
right: 0; /* Positioned at the right */
content: ''; /* Empty content */
transition: all 0.3s ease; /* Smooth transition for all CSS properties */
z-index: 1; /* Overlay placed below other elements */
opacity: 0; /* Initially hidden */
transform: scaleY(2); /* Initial vertical scaling */
/* Styling for the image */
.hover-img img {
vertical-align: top; /* Align image to the top */
max-width: 100%; /* Maximum width of the image */
backface-visibility: hidden; /* Prevents flickering during CSS transitions */
/* Styling for the caption of the image */
.hover-img figcaption {
position: absolute; /* Positioned absolutely within the container */
top: 0; /* Positioned at the top */
bottom: 0; /* Positioned at the bottom */
left: 0; /* Positioned at the left */
right: 0; /* Positioned at the right */
align-items: center; /* Align items vertically centered */
z-index: 1; /* Overlay placed above other elements */
display: flex; /* Displayed as a flex container */
flex-direction: column; /* Items stacked vertically */
justify-content: center; /* Center content vertically */
line-height: 1.1em; /* Line height for text */
opacity: 0; /* Initially hidden */
z-index: 2; /* Overlay placed above other elements */
transition-delay: 0.1s; /* Delay for transition effect */
font-size: 24px; /* Font size for caption */
font-family: sans-serif; /* Font family for caption */
font-weight: 400; /* Font weight for caption */
letter-spacing: 1px; /* Letter spacing for caption */
text-transform: uppercase; /* Convert text to uppercase */
/* Hover effect for the overlay before and after the image */
.hover-img:hover:after {
transform: scale(1); /* Scale effect on hover */
opacity: 1; /* Show the overlay on hover */
/* Hover effect for the image */
.hover-img:hover > img {
opacity: 0.7; /* Reduce opacity of the image on hover */
/* Hover effect for the caption */
.hover-img:hover figcaption {
opacity: 1; /* Show the caption on hover */
</style> /* Closing style tag */
- Comments are provided to explain each section of the CSS code, including the purpose of each rule and its styling effects.
- The CSS code defines styles for creating an image overlay effect with hover animation.
- Various properties such as background color, positioning, opacity, and transitions are used to create the desired visual effects.
- The hover effects are applied using the :hover pseudo-class to enhance user interaction with the image.
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