
HTML-CSS: Typewriter effect

HTML-CSS : Exercise-11 with Solution

Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript create a typewriter effect animation.

  • Define two animations, typing to animate the characters and blink to animate the caret.
  • Use the :after pseudo-element to add the caret to the container element.
  • Use JavaScript to set the text for the inner element and set the --characters variable containing the character count. This variable is used to animate the text.
  • Use white-space: nowrap and overflow: hidden to make content invisible as necessary.

HTML Code:

<!--License: https://bit.ly/3GjrtVF--><!-- License information -->
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Document type declaration -->
<html><!-- Opening html tag -->
<head><!-- Opening head tag -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Character encoding -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><!-- Viewport meta tag -->
<title>Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript create a typewriter effect animation</title><!-- Title of the webpage -->
</head><!-- Closing head tag -->
<body><!-- Opening body tag -->
<strong>Preview:</strong><br><!-- Preview heading -->
<div class="typewriter-effect"><!-- Container for typewriter effect -->
<div class="text" id="typewriter-text"></div><!-- Div element for displaying text with typewriter effect -->
</body><!-- Closing body tag -->
</html><!-- Closing html tag -->


  • <!--License: https://bit.ly/3GjrtVF-->: Provides information about the license for the code.
  • <!DOCTYPE html>: Declares the document type as HTML5.
  • <html>: Opening tag for the HTML document.
  • <head>: Opening tag for the head section containing metadata.
  • <meta charset="utf-8">: Specifies the character encoding of the document as UTF-8.
  • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">: Configures the viewport to the device's width.
  • <title>Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript create a typewriter effect animation</title>: Sets the title of the webpage.
  • <body>: Opening tag for the body section of the HTML document.
  • <strong>Preview:</strong><br>: Displays a heading for the preview section.
  • <div class="typewriter-effect">: Defines a container for the typewriter effect.
  • <div class="text" id="typewriter-text"></div>: Creates a div element with the class "text" and the id "typewriter-text" for displaying text with the typewriter effect.

CSS Code:

/* Opening style tag for CSS */

.typewriter-effect {
  display: flex; /* Display as a flex container */
  justify-content: center; /* Center align the content horizontally */
  font-family: monospace; /* Use monospace font */

.typewriter-effect > .text {
  max-width: 0; /* Set initial width to 0 */
  animation: typing 3s steps(var(--characters)) infinite; /* Apply typing animation */
  white-space: nowrap; /* Prevent text from wrapping */
  overflow: hidden; /* Hide overflowing text */

.typewriter-effect:after {
  content: " |"; /* Display a blinking cursor */
  animation: blink 1s infinite; /* Apply blinking animation */
  animation-timing-function: step-end; /* Set animation timing function */

@keyframes typing {
  75%, /* At 75% of the animation duration */
  100% { /* Until the end of the animation */
    max-width: calc(var(--characters) * 1ch); /* Gradually increase width to show text */

@keyframes blink {
  0%, /* At the beginning of the animation */
  75%, /* At 75% of the animation duration */
  100% { /* Until the end of the animation */
    opacity: 1; /* Fully visible */
  25% { /* At 25% of the animation duration */
    opacity: 0; /* Invisible */
</style>/* Closing style tag */


  • .typewriter-effect: Styles for the container of the typewriter effect.
  • .typewriter-effect > .text: Styles for the text element within the typewriter effect container.
  • .typewriter-effect:after: Styles for the cursor element after the text.
  • @keyframes typing: Keyframes for the typing animation.
  • @keyframes blink: Keyframes for the blinking cursor animation.

JavaScript Code:

const typeWriter = document.getElementById('typewriter-text');
const text = 'w3resource HTML-CSS Practical Exercises.';

typeWriter.innerHTML = text;
typeWriter.style.setProperty('--characters', text.length);

HTML-CSS Editor:

See the Pen html-css-practical-exercises by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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