
HTML-CSS: Custom checkbox

HTML-CSS : Exercise-1 with Solution

Using HTML, CSS create a styled checkbox with animation on state change.

  • Use an <svg> element to create the check <symbol> and insert it via the <use> element to create a reusable SVG icon.
  • Create a .checkbox-container and use flexbox to create the appropriate layout for the checkboxes.
  • Hide the <input> element and use the label associated with it to display a checkbox and the provided text.
  • Use stroke-dashoffset to animate the check symbol on state change.
  • Use transform: scale(0.9) via a CSS animation to create a zoom animation effect.

HTML Code:

<!--License: https://bit.ly/3GjrtVF--><!-- License information -->
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Document type declaration -->
<head><!-- Head section containing metadata -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Character encoding declaration -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><!-- Viewport meta tag for responsive design -->
<title>Using HTML, CSS create a styled checkbox with animation on state change</title><!-- Title of the HTML document -->
</head><!-- Closing head tag -->
<body><!-- Body section of the HTML document -->
<div class="w3rcontainer"><strong>Preview:</strong><!-- Container div for preview with heading -->
<div class="checkbox-container"><!-- Container for checkboxes -->
<input class="checkbox-input" id="oranges" type="checkbox" /><!-- Checkbox input for oranges -->
<label class="checkbox" for="oranges"><!-- Label for oranges checkbox -->
<span><!-- Span for custom checkbox style -->
<svg width="12px" height="10px"><!-- SVG for custom checkbox icon -->
<use xlink:href="#check"></use><!-- Reference to external SVG symbol -->
<span>Oranges</span><!-- Text label for oranges checkbox -->
<input class="checkbox-input" id="bananas" type="checkbox" /><!-- Checkbox input for bananas -->
<label class="checkbox" for="bananas"><!-- Label for bananas checkbox -->
<span><!-- Span for custom checkbox style -->
<svg width="12px" height="10px"><!-- SVG for custom checkbox icon -->
<use xlink:href="#check"></use><!-- Reference to external SVG symbol -->
<span>Bananas</span><!-- Text label for bananas checkbox -->
</div><!-- Closing checkbox-container -->
</div><!-- Closing w3rcontainer -->
</body><!-- Closing body tag -->
</html><!-- Closing HTML tag -->


  • The HTML document contains a simple structure for creating styled checkboxes with animations on state change.
  • Two checkboxes are included, one for oranges and one for bananas.
  • Each checkbox consists of an input element and a label element.
  • The input element has a class of "checkbox-input" and a unique ID.
  • The label element has a class of "checkbox" and is associated with the corresponding input element using the "for" attribute.
  • Inside each label, there are two spans: one for the custom checkbox style and another for the text label.
  • SVGs are used for custom checkbox icons, and they are referenced externally using the "use" element.
  • Comments are provided to explain each section of the HTML code, including the purpose of each element and attribute.

CSS Code:

<style> /* Opening style tag for CSS */
.w3rcontainer{ /* CSS rule for w3rcontainer class */
   border: 1px solid #cccfdb; /* Style for border */
   border-radius: 2px; /* Style for border radius */
} /* Closing w3rcontainer class */

.hover-underline-animation { /* CSS rule for hover-underline-animation class */
  display: inline-block; /* Display property set to inline-block */
  position: relative; /* Position property set to relative */
  color: #0087ca; /* Text color set to #0087ca */

.hover-underline-animation:after { /* CSS rule for pseudo-element :after */
  content: ''; /* Content property set to empty string */
  position: absolute; /* Position property set to absolute */
  width: 100%; /* Width set to 100% */
  transform: scaleX(0); /* Initial transformation scaleX set to 0 */
  height: 2px; /* Height set to 2px */
  bottom: 0; /* Positioned at the bottom */
  left: 0; /* Positioned at the left */
  background-color: #0087ca; /* Background color set to #0087ca */
  transform-origin: bottom right; /* Origin of transformation set to bottom right */
  transition: transform 0.25s ease-out; /* Transition property for smooth animation */

.hover-underline-animation:hover:after { /* CSS rule for hover state of :after pseudo-element */
  transform: scaleX(1); /* Transformation scaleX set to 1 on hover */
  transform-origin: bottom left; /* Origin of transformation set to bottom left on hover */

</style> /* Closing style tag */


  • The CSS code defines styles for creating an underline animation on hover for elements with the class "hover-underline-animation".
  • w3rcontainer class is styled to have a border with rounded corners.
  • hover-underline-animation class is defined to make the text color blue and apply the underline animation on hover.
  • :after pseudo-element is used to create the underline effect.
  • Initial transformation scaleX(0) is applied to hide the underline.
  • On hover, scaleX(1) is applied to reveal the underline.
  • Transition property is added to make the animation smooth.

HTML-CSS Editor:

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