CSS Properties: How to set the tab-size of a pragraph element
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Declares the document type and version of HTML -->
<html><!-- Begins the HTML document -->
<head><!-- Contains metadata and links to external resources -->
<title>How to set the tab-size of a paragraph element</title><!-- Sets the title of the document -->
<style type="text/css"> /* Starts CSS styling */
p#tab { /* Styles paragraphs with the id "tab" */
-moz-tab-size: 5; /* Sets the tab size for Mozilla Firefox */
-o-tab-size: 5; /* Sets the tab size for Opera */
tab-size: 5; /* Sets the tab size for other browsers */
white-space: pre-wrap; /* Specifies how white-space inside the element is handled */
p#tab1 { /* Styles paragraphs with the id "tab1" */
-moz-tab-size: 10; /* Sets the tab size for Mozilla Firefox */
-o-tab-size: 10; /* Sets the tab size for Opera */
tab-size: 10; /* Sets the tab size for other browsers */
white-space: pre-wrap; /* Specifies how white-space inside the element is handled */
</style><!-- Ends CSS styling -->
</head><!-- Ends the head section -->
<body><!-- Begins the body of the document -->
<p>w3resource Tutorial</p><!-- Displays a paragraph with the text "w3resource Tutorial" -->
<p id="tab"><!-- Displays a paragraph with the id "tab" -->
w3resource web development tutorial <!-- Text content of the paragraph -->
</p><!-- Ends the "tab" paragraph -->
<p id="tab1"><!-- Displays a paragraph with the id "tab1" -->
w3resource web development tutorial <!-- Text content of the paragraph -->
</p><!-- Ends the "tab1" paragraph -->
</body><!-- Ends the body section -->
</html><!-- Ends the HTML document -->
- This HTML document demonstrates how to set the tab size of paragraph elements using CSS.
- CSS comments are added to explain each section of the code.
- Two CSS selectors are defined:
- p#tab styles paragraphs with the id "tab".
- p#tab1 styles paragraphs with the id "tab1".
- The tab-size property is used to specify the width of tab characters in the paragraphs.
- Vendor-specific prefixes (-moz- and -o-) are included to ensure compatibility with older versions of Firefox and Opera browsers.
- The white-space: pre-wrap; property ensures that white-space is preserved in the paragraphs and line breaks are honored.
Live Demo :
See the Pen tab-size-answer by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.
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