
CSS Properties: How to set initial properties for the default value of caption?

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Specifies the document type and version of HTML -->
<title>How to set initial property to its default value</title><!-- Sets the title of the HTML document -->
<style type="text/css"> /* Begins a CSS style block */
table#xtable {
    caption-side:initial; /* Sets the caption-side property to its default value, which is typically 'top' */
table#xtable tr:first-child { /* Targets the first row of the table */
    color: red; /* Sets the text color of the first row to red */
</style><!-- Ends the CSS style block -->
<table id="xtable" border="2"><!-- Starts a table with a border width of 2 pixels and assigns it an id of "xtable" -->
<caption>w3resource Tutorial</caption><!-- Adds a caption to the table -->
<tr><!-- Starts a table row -->
<th>Frontend</th><!-- Defines a table header cell for the "Frontend" column -->
<th>Backend</th><!-- Defines a table header cell for the "Backend" column -->
<th>Database</th><!-- Defines a table header cell for the "Database" column -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>HTML</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with HTML content -->
<td>PHP</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with PHP content -->
<td>SQL</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with SQL content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->

<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>CSS</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with CSS content -->
<td>Python</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Python content -->
<td>MySQL</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with MySQL content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>Javascript</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Javascript content -->
<td>Java</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Java content -->
<td>PostgreSQL</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with PostgreSQL content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>HTML5</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with HTML5 content -->
<td>Node.js</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Node.js content -->
<td>SQlite</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with SQlite content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>Schema.org</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Schema.org content -->
<td>Ruby</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Ruby content -->
<td>NoSQL</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with NoSQL content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>PHP.js</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with PHP.js content -->
<td>C Programing</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with C Programing content -->
<td>MongoDB</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with MongoDB content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
<tr><!-- Starts a new table row -->
<td>Twitter Bootstrap</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Twitter Bootstrap content -->
<td>-</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with - content -->
<td>Oracle</td><!-- Defines a table data cell with Oracle content -->
</tr><!-- Ends the table row -->
</table><!-- Ends the table -->


  • This HTML document demonstrates how to set the initial property value of the caption-side CSS property to its default value.
  • The HTML structure includes a table with a border width of 2 pixels and an id of "xtable".
  • A CSS style block is used to style the table with the id "xtable" and set the caption-side property to its initial/default value.
  • The table itself contains rows and columns detailing frontend, backend, and database technologies.
  • Each row contains data cells representing different technologies such as HTML, PHP, SQL, etc.
  • The caption "w3resource Tutorial" is added to provide context or a title for the table.

Live Demo:

See the Pen caption-initial-answer by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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