
CSS Properties: How to set background is clipped to the padding box?

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Set the character encoding of the HTML document -->
<title>How to set background is clipped to the padding box</title><!-- Set the title of the HTML document -->
<style> /* CSS style start*/
#xyz1 {
border: 5px #0033FF; /* Set border properties for the div */
border-style: dotted double; /* Specify the border style */
margin: 2em; /* Set margin for the div */
padding: 2em; /* Set padding for the div */
background: #3399CC; /* Set background color for the div */
background-clip: padding-box; /* Specify the painting area of the background to be inside the padding box */
<div id="xyz1"><!-- Div with specified styling -->
<p>Free web development tutorial.</p>


  • The HTML document contains a div element with the ID xyz1.
  • CSS styles are applied to this div to specify its appearance, including borders, margins, padding, and background color.
  • The background-clip property determines the painting area of the background within the div:
    • padding-box clips the background to the area within the padding box of the div.
  • The content within the div consists of an <h2> heading and a paragraph (<p>).

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