
HTML5: How to specify that the script is executed when the page has finished parsing?

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HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html><!-- Define document type as HTML5 -->
<html><!-- Start of HTML document -->
<head><!-- Start of head section -->
<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- Define character encoding -->
<title>How to specify that the script is executed when the page has finished parsing</title><!-- Title of the document -->
</head><!-- End of head section -->
<body><!-- Start of body section -->
<script src="https://www.w3resource.com
/html-css-exercise/basic/solution/async-example.js" defer></script><!-- Include an external script with defer attribute -->
<p>The script above requests information from the paragraph below. Normally, this is not possible, because the script is executed before the paragraph exists.</p><!-- Text providing explanation of script behavior -->
<p id="output">Click Me</p><!-- Define a paragraph with an id for interaction -->
</body><!-- End of body section -->
</html><!-- End of HTML document -->


  • This HTML code demonstrates how to specify that a script is executed when the page has finished parsing using the defer attribute.
  • The <script> element is used to include an external JavaScript file indicated by the src attribute.
  • The src attribute points to the URL of the external script file, "https://www.w3resource.com/html-css-exercise/basic/solution/async-example.js".
  • By adding the defer attribute to the <script> element, the script is deferred, meaning it is executed after the HTML document has been fully parsed.
  • The script will not block the parsing of the HTML document, allowing the HTML elements to be fully loaded before the script is executed.
  • This behavior ensures that the script does not interfere with the loading and rendering of HTML content, improving page performance and user experience.
  • The text following the script explains its purpose, demonstrating that the script requests information from a paragraph that follows it, and emphasizes that this would normally not be possible without using defer.

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