
C#: Check if a string is an anagram of another given string

From Wikipedia-
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the word anagram itself can be rearranged into nag a ram, also the word binary into brainy and the word adobe into abode.

Write a C# Sharp program to check if two given strings are anagrams or not.

Sample Data:
("wxyz", "zyxw") -> True
("pears", "spare") -> True
("stone", "tones") -> True
("cat", "rat") -> False

Sample Solution:

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace exercises
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare and initialize two string variables
            string text1 = "wxyz";
            string text2 = "zyxw";

            // Display the original strings
            Console.WriteLine("Original strings: " + text1 + "  " + text2);

            // Check if the two strings are anagrams and display the result
            Console.WriteLine("Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: " + test(text1, text2));

            // Change the values of text1 and text2
            text1 = "pears";
            text2 = "spare";

            // Display the new original strings
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal strings: " + text1 + "  " + text2);

            // Check if the two strings are anagrams and display the result
            Console.WriteLine("Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: " + test(text1, text2));

            // Change the values of text1 and text2
            text1 = "stone";
            text2 = "tones";

            // Display the new original strings
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal strings: " + text1 + "  " + text2);

            // Check if the two strings are anagrams and display the result
            Console.WriteLine("Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: " + test(text1, text2));

            // Change the values of text1 and text2
            text1 = "cat";
            text2 = "rat";

            // Display the new original strings
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal strings: " + text1 + "  " + text2);

            // Check if the two strings are anagrams and display the result
            Console.WriteLine("Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: " + test(text1, text2));

         // Define a method 'test' that takes two string arguments and returns a boolean indicating if they are anagrams
         public static bool test(string text1, string text2)
            // Convert both strings to uppercase, sort the characters, and concatenate them
            string stext1 = String.Concat(text1.ToUpper().OrderBy(c => c));
            string stext2 = String.Concat(text2.ToUpper().OrderBy(c => c));

            // Compare the sorted and concatenated strings, return true if they are equal (anagrams), otherwise return false
            if (stext1 == stext2)
                return true;
                return false;

Sample Output:

Original strings: wxyz  zyxw
Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: True

Original strings: pears  spare
Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: True

Original strings: stone  tones
Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: True

Original strings: cat  rat
Check if two said strings are anagrams or not: False

Flowchart :

Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Check if a string is an anagram of another given string.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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